assign data satisfied rules given

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Sahab on 11 May 2011
i want to insert data randomly and it data must satisfied the rules given. for example, i want to insert 3 type of data (33,22,11) randomly in 22x7 and it must satisfied the rules. let assume i already have data that contain 33,22,11(data) randomly in 22x7 and saved in mat to create a function that satisfied the rules to update that data
(there have 7 column and 22 row)
for every column there should satisfied,
Rules 1
11>=60% of 22
22<=20% of 22
33<=20% of 22
Rules 2
for every row,there must have only one data of 44.
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Jan on 11 May 2011
The question is unclear. What does "insert 3 type of data (33,22,11) randomly in 22x7" mean? "11 >= 60% of 22"?! 11 is greater than 60% of 22 (==13.2), but 22 is never smaller equal 20% of 22.
At first you state, that you want to insert 3 types of data, but in the last line a 4th value (or type?) appears suddenly.
Please edit your question and clarify your problem with more details.

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Accepted Answer

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 11 May 2011
variant for rules 1
szAA = [22 7];
n2233 = randi(floor(szAA(1)*.2),2,szAA(2));
N = [22-sum(n2233);n2233];
B = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(x)cat(3,randperm(22)',[11*ones(N(1,x),1);22*ones(N(2,x),1);33*ones(N(3,x),1)]),1:size(N,2),'un',0));
AA = B(sub2ind(szAA,B(:,:,1),cumsum(ones(szAA),2))+prod(szAA));
rules 2, so?
Sahab on 11 May 2011
thanks andrei bobrov your answer is like i need.
Jan on 11 May 2011
@Andrei: You are bold. I was too shy to guess what the question would mean exactly.

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