Memory Management of functions

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Yavuz kaya
Yavuz kaya on 15 Apr 2013
I have a general question about memory management of functions in Matlab.
As far as I know, once the Matlab quits a function, all the memory allocated for that particular function is deallocated from memory.
I have created the following code
while true
Here is the CalVaues function
function a=CalValues
So, basically I am continuously calling a function (a=CalValues) inside a while-loop. After one hour of continuous running the script, I realized that the memory allocated for Matlab is increasing continuously too.
When I break the while-loop with Ctrl+C, then the memory is deallocated. I was wondering Why the memory keep growing in RAM? There is nothing else inside the while-loop.
Is it possible that the Memory is not been deallocated if you call a function inside a while-loop? or till you are really outside of while-loop?
Thanks, Yavyuz
  1 Comment
per isakson
per isakson on 15 Apr 2013
Edited: per isakson on 15 Apr 2013
With R2012a 64bit, Win7
  • Are you seeing an increase of approx. 20KB in Memory(Private working set) of Task Manager?

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