RL Toolbox: DQN epsilon greedy exploration with epsilon=1 does not act random
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Tobias Schindler
on 25 Jan 2021
Commented: Tobias Schindler
on 5 Oct 2021
- Costum Simulink Environment
- DQN Agent
To get a baseline of the environment I started training with a DQN Agent with:
This means that the Agent should not exploit the greedy action at all.
Sstated by the documentation (https://de.mathworks.com/help/reinforcement-learning/ug/dqn-agents.html):
During each control interval, the agent either selects a random action with probability ϵ or selects an action greedily with respect to the value function with probability 1-ϵ.
--> Epsilon=1 means probability of zero to have the greedy agent. It is not clearly stated how the random action is sampled, but it should be uniform.
Now with the above setting, the DQN Agent should never exploit the greedy policy during training. However, when starting the Simulation and watching the output of the episodes, it is clear that the Agent does in fact exploit the policy and does not act random.
- What is going on here? Why does the agent not act random during training?
- Is the sampling of the actions uniform? (Not related to the epsilon=1 behavior)
- When exactly is the decay executed? I think i read somewhere in the doc that it is every training step, i.e., for DQN every time step of the simulation with the SampleTime of rlDQNAgentOptions? Would be handy to just have this information clearly stated in the part of the doc that expxlains epsilon greedy
I quite like the toolbox so far, there are just some implementation details that are a bit hard to grasp,i.e., its not 100 % clear to me how it is done by MATLAB.
Accepted Answer
Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis
on 9 Feb 2021
Edited: Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis
on 9 Feb 2021
Maybe I misread the question, but you are saying "when starting the Simulation and watching the output of the episodes...". Just to clarify, if you hit the "play" button in Simulink or if you use the "sim" command, exploration is out of the picture - Simulink will only do inference on the agent. Exploration is used only when you call "train".
To your other question, sampling in DQN is indeed uniform for exploration
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