Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-1 and the size of the right side is 10-by-10. not sure why i am getting this error
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data_rho = [7840,0.44];
data_Cp = [490,0.0733333];
data_k = [13.1947,0.0126919];
%% Geometry
L = 0.03;
%% Boundary conditions
T0 = 1000;
Tinfinity = 20 + 273;
htc_top = 50;
htc_sides = 100;
htc_btm = 20;
Emissivity = 0.0;
time = 0;
%% thermocouple positions
tpx = [0.015 0.027 0.027];
tpy = [0.015 0.015 0.027];
%% Simulation control
n = 10;
CFL = 0.5;
itPlot = 10;
%% Discretize space
dx = L/(n-1);
x = 0:dx:L;
y = L:-dx:0; % T(1,1) is the top left
%% Initialize variables
T = ones(n,n)*T0;
T_new = zeros(n,n);
dtMat = zeros(n,n);
it = 0;
%% Physical constants
stefan = 5.670367e-8;
%% Record predictions
Temp_thermocouples = interp2(x,y,T,tpx,tpy);
SaveNumber = 1;
TimeVector(SaveNumber) = time;
TempSavedMatrix(SaveNumber,:) = Temp_thermocouples;
%% Model calculation
while max(max(T)) > 300 + 273.15
%% Thermophysical properties
rho = data_rho(1) + data_rho(2)*T;
k0 = data_k(1) + data_k(2)*T;
Cp = data_Cp(1) + data_Cp(2)*T;
%% Calculate temperature dependent parameters
alpha = k0./rho./Cp;
Br = stefan*Emissivity*dx./k0;
Biot_top = htc_top*dx./k0;
Biot_btm = htc_btm*dx./k0;
Biot_sides = htc_sides*dx./k0;
%% time step
for i = 2: n-1
for j = 2: n-1
dtMat(i,j) = CFL*dx*dx/4./alpha(i,j);
% top left
dtMat(1,1) = CFL*dx*dx/2./alpha(1,1)*(Biot_sides(1,1)+Biot_top(1,1)+2*Br(1,1)*T(1,1)^3);
% top edge
for j = 2: n-1
dtMat(1,j) = CFL*dx*dx/2./alpha(1,j)*(2+Biot_top+Br(1,j)*T(1,j)^3);
line with the error code is
for j = 2: n-1
dtMat(1,j) = CFL*dx*dx/2./alpha(1,j)*(2+Biot_top+Br(1,j)*T(1,j)^3);
Accepted Answer
Daniel Pollard
on 4 Feb 2021
Edited: Daniel Pollard
on 4 Feb 2021
Biot_top is size 10x10. dtMat(1,j) is size 1x1. This means the LHS of your line is 1x1, and the RHS is 10x10, so you can't make the assignment.
I suspect you intended to write Biot_top(1,j)?
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