Publish: make comments appear in published document

6 views (last 30 days)
I am using the publish function to create a documentation for my program. I am using code cells (lines starting with %%) to create sections in the published report. I know that the lines of comments following immediately after a %%-line will be regarded as descriptive text and appear as normal text in the published html-document (rather than as green comments as part of the code). Now I would like to find a way to mark comments that come further down in the cell to appear the same way in the published document (this is important, because I am not showing the code for all functions, and the comments that are part of the code will not appear then).
Here’s an example to illustrate what I mean:
% some comments
a = rand(5);
some more comments
b = a.^2;
even more comments
c = a+b;
This will publish to:
some comments
a = rand(5);
some more comments
b = a.^2;
even more comments
c = a+b;
This is somewhat unexpected behaviour, as I would expect (and want) it to publish to:
some comments
a = rand(5);
some more comments
b = a.^2;
even more comments
c = a+b;
Is there any way to achieve this? I know that using %% instead of %%% will make it publish this way, but that will split the code cell in the editor which I would like to avoid.

Accepted Answer

per isakson
per isakson on 26 Apr 2013
Here R2012a,64bit,Windows7 produces the html-result, which you expect.
The on-line help says:
Section title without cell break
I don't think the documentation has anything to say on the case that SECTION TITLE is empty.
  1 Comment
Christoph on 26 Apr 2013
Interesting, thanks! I am using 2011b (64bit, Windows7), so maybe that's what's causing the difference. Good to know if it works that way in the later version (so all I need to do is finally run the update :)).

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