Trajectory planning for robot manipulator

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I want to do the trajectory planning for a robot manipulator. So how to do that?
I have computed by hand the forward kinematics via D-H, also the forward differential kinematics (Jacobian matrix) and inverse differential kinematics, but I'm not sure if inverse kinematics is correct.
So I don't want to use inverse kinematics for trajectory planning.
These are the details about work
So, what is the best way to do this via MATLAB?
Thanks in advance!

Accepted Answer

Pratheek Punchathody
Pratheek Punchathody on 11 Feb 2021
Robotics System Toolbox provides tools and algorithms for designing, simulating, and testing manipulators, mobile robots, and humanoid robots. Videos and Webinars link will help you understand the technical concepts and software examples for motion trajectory planning with robot manipulators.
Github Submission from MathWorks - robotics consists of educational MATLAB and Simulink examples for trajectory generation and evaluation of robot manipulators. Following through the Blog link of Crash course on Robot manipulators will help in resolving.

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