Stress-strain graph
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I want to make Stress-Strain with linear regression and 0.2% off set graph.
But My code does not show me normal Stress-Strain graph.
I import excel data to matlab. I want to delete First column (start 76) but i cannot deleted.
I want to linear regression from 0 to 593 row data.
can you help me?
AluminumW = readtable("/Users/abc/Downloads/Steel Thursday.TXT");
AluminumW(1:75,:) = [];
AluminumW(593:end,:) = [];
disp = AluminumW(:,2);
force = AluminumW(:,3);
disp1 = table2array(disp);
force1 = table2array(force);
shift1 = disp1 - 0.081994;
shift2 = force1 - 0.11194;
d = 2.54;
r = d/2;
A = pi*r^2;
strain = shift1 / 12.7;
stress = shift2 / A;
xlabel('Engineering Strain')
ylabel('Engineering Stress (GPa)')
grid on
hold on
x = strain(60) - strain(1);
y = stress(60) - stress(1);
b1 = y / x;
slope = b1*strain;
hold on
yield = strain + 0.002;
hold off
Answers (2)
randerss simil
on 9 Feb 2021
Edited: randerss simil
on 9 Feb 2021
To delete 1st column
AluminumW(1:75,1) = []; % to delete 1st column
randerss simil
on 10 Feb 2021
x = table2array(graph(:,1));
y = table2array(graph(:,2));
p = polyfit(x,y,3); % cubic polynomial fit
yfit = polyval(p,x); % poly evaluation
yres = y-yfit; % residuals
If you want you can plot residuals and determine the regression coefficient R
Alfred Muchangi
on 9 Apr 2024
Edited: Alfred Muchangi
on 9 Apr 2024
Could someone please help me with matlab script for plotting stress-strain curve give the following data:Test time, Standard force, Standard travel, Strain, Nominal strain
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