How to add intgeral action to Full state feedback control with two inputs two ouputs system

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How to add integral action to Full state feedback control with two inputs and two outputs system. The system is fourth-order.

Answers (1)

Pavl M.
Pavl M. on 4 Dec 2024 at 10:24
Edited: Pavl M. on 5 Dec 2024 at 8:41
Good and valued: Solution ver. 1,
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%% consider a 2 input, 2 output system,
nstates = 4;
ninputs = 2;
noutputs = 2;
A1=[0 0 -178 178;0 0 590 -500;-256 256 0 0; 0 -1 0 0.0000666];
B1=[8 -5;48 -63;-0.01 2.5; 0 0];
C1=[1 0 0 0;0 0 0 1];
D1=[0 0; 0 0];
Ts = 10e-3; % Sampling time in s
% Aa=[0 0 -178 178;0 0 590 -500;-256 256 0 0; 0 -1 0 0.0000666];
% Ba=[8 -5;48 -63;-0.01 2.5; 0 0];
% Ca=[1 0 0 0;0 0 0 1];
% Da = [0 0; 0 0];
% % you can use 'rss' and 'ssdata' to get random A, B, C, D matrices
% sys = rss(2,2,2) % to generate a random 2x2 system
% [A,B,C,D] = ssdata(sys); % to provide A, B, C, D matrices for this system
[num1 den1] = ss2tf(A1,B1,C1,D1,1) % iu = 1
num1 = 2×5
1.0e+06 * 0 0.0000 0.0000 -3.4081 0.0004 0 0 -0.0000 0.0000 3.3956
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den1 = 1×5
1.0e+06 * 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.1971 0.0000 -4.1011
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<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
[num2 den2] = ss2tf(A1,B1,C1,D1,2); % iu = 2
%First input to first output only:
sys1 = tf(num1(1,:),den1) %contin
sys1 = 8 s^3 + 1.779 s^2 - 3.408e06 s + 386.3 ------------------------------------------------------ s^4 - 6.66e-05 s^3 - 1.971e05 s^2 + 13.09 s - 4.101e06 Continuous-time transfer function.
%Second input to second output only:
sys2 = tf(num2(2,:),den2); %contin
%First input to second output only:
sys3 = tf(num1(2,:),den1); %continuous
%Second input to first output only:
sys4 = tf(num2(1,:),den2); %continuous
[A, B, C, D] = tf2ss(num1(1,:),den1)
A = 4×4
1.0e+06 * 0.0000 0.1971 -0.0000 4.1011 0.0000 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0
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B = 4×1
1 0 0 0
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<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
C = 1×4
1.0e+06 * 0.0000 0.0000 -3.4081 0.0004
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<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
D = 0
asys = ss(A,B,C,D)
asys = A = x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 6.66e-05 1.971e+05 -13.09 4.101e+06 x2 1 0 0 0 x3 0 1 0 0 x4 0 0 1 0 B = u1 x1 1 x2 0 x3 0 x4 0 C = x1 x2 x3 x4 y1 8 1.779 -3.408e+06 386.3 D = u1 y1 0 Continuous-time state-space model.
opt2 = c2dOptions('Method','tustin','ThiranOrder',4,'DelayModeling','state');
% observer model
%poles_obsv = exp(Ts*[-700 -310 -100 -90]);
poles_obsv = [-700 -310 -100 -90];
Ah = asys.A;
bh = [asys.B L];
%cTh = eye(nstates);
%dh = [0 0;0 0;0 0;0 0];
%add a state variable for the integral of the output error. This has the effect of adding an integral term to our controller which is known to reduce steady-state error.
%model for integral action
Ai = [[asys.A zeros(nstates,1)];-asys.C 0];
bi = [asys.B;0];
br = [zeros(nstates,1);1];
ci = [asys.C 0];
di = [0];
%Other augmentation scheme:
% Plant augmentation
Aaug=[asys.A zeros(nstates,1); zeros(1,nstates+1)];
% feedback controller
p1 = -800 + 800i;
p2 = -800 - 800i;
p3 = -400 - 400i;
%p1 = -110;
%p2 = -310;
%p3 = -500;
p4 = -400 + 400i;
p5 = -90;
%poles_k = exp(Ts*[p1 p2 p3 p4 p5]);
poles_k = [p1 p2 p3 p4 p5];
K = place(asysi.a,asysi.b,poles_k)
K = 1×5
1.0e+17 * 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 2.9661 -0.0000
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<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
Ko = place(asys.A,asys.B,[p1 p2 p3 p4])
Ko = 1×4
1.0e+11 * 0.0000 0.0000 0.0154 4.0960
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<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
s4 = size(asys.A,1);
Z = [zeros([1,s4]) 1];
N = (1\([asys.A,asys.B;asys.C,asys.D]))*Z';
Nx = N(1:s4);
Nu = N(s4+1);
Nbar=Nu + Ko*Nx
Nbar = 2.4000e+03
%observer design:
At = [ asys.A-asys.B*Ko asys.B*Ko
zeros(size(asys.A)) asys.A-L*asys.C ];
Bt = [ asys.B*Nbar
zeros(size(asys.B)) ];
Ct = [ asys.C zeros(size(asys.C)) ];
%If you'd like to eliminate steady state error as much use Nbar:
% compute Nbar
%poles_k_d = exp(Ts.*poles_k)
%K_d = place(dsysi.a,dsysi.b,poles_k_d)
s4 = size(asys.A,1);
Z = [zeros([1,s4]) 1];
N = (1\([asys.A,asys.B;asys.C,asys.D]))*Z';
Nx = N(1:s4);
Nu = N(s4+1);
Nbarq=Nu + K*Nx
Nbarq = 2.5043e+03
%Well performing (adjusted) system:
syso = ss(At,Bt,Ct,0);
ans = logical
syso2 = minreal(syso)
4 states removed. syso2 = A = x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 -2400 -2.88e+06 -1.536e+09 -4.096e+11 x2 1 0 0 0 x3 0 1 0 0 x4 0 0 1 0 B = u1 x1 2400 x2 0 x3 0 x4 0 C = x1 x2 x3 x4 y1 8 1.779 -3.408e+06 386.3 D = u1 y1 0 Continuous-time state-space model.
f = 3;
t = 0:Ts:f;
step(syso2,[0 f])
title('Continuous With observer flat(cold) start')
sysod = c2d(syso2,Ts,opt2)
sysod = A = x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 -0.9962 -390.2 -6.724e+04 -7.685e+06 x2 1.876e-05 -0.9512 -336.2 -3.842e+04 x3 9.381e-08 0.0002439 -0.6811 -192.1 x4 4.69e-10 1.22e-06 0.001595 0.0394 B = u1 x1 0.04503 x2 0.0002251 x3 1.126e-06 x4 5.629e-09 C = x1 x2 x3 x4 y1 -0.1448 -1977 -8.128e+05 2.966e+08 D = u1 y1 -1.738 Sample time: 0.01 seconds Discrete-time state-space model.
ans = logical
u = 0.001*ones(size(t));
x0 = [0.01 0 0 0];
title('Discrete sampled with observer and conditions hot start')
xlabel('Time (sec)')
res_agent = sysod;
w = logspace(2,6,1000);
ms = minreal(res_agent);
Gcc = ms;
zms = zero(ms) % closed-loop zeros
zms = 4×1
-1.0000 -1.8838 -0.5310 1.0000
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pms = pole(ms)
pms =
-0.7561 + 0.1951i -0.7561 - 0.1951i -0.5385 + 0.3077i -0.5385 - 0.3077i
tsim = 1;
setpointamp = 1; %
setpointapptime = 0.001; %
defaultsetpointpos = 0; %
Conf = RespConfig(Bias=defaultsetpointpos,Amplitude=setpointamp,Delay=setpointapptime)
Conf =
RespConfig with properties: Bias: 0 Amplitude: 1 Delay: 1.0000e-03 InitialState: [] InitialParameter: []
%step(Gcc,[0 tsim], Conf)
%title('Plant+Controller Closed Loop system step response')
[wngcc,zetagcc,pgcc] = damp(Gcc)
wngcc = 4×1
266.5610 266.5610 289.9608 289.9608
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zetagcc = 4×1
0.1792 0.1792 0.0853 0.0853
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<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
pgcc =
-0.5385 + 0.3077i -0.5385 - 0.3077i -0.7561 + 0.1951i -0.7561 - 0.1951i
ans = struct with fields:
GainMargin: [1 1] PhaseMargin: [0 0] DiskMargin: 0 LowerBound: 0 UpperBound: 0 Frequency: NaN WorstPerturbation: [1x1 ss]
ans = struct with fields:
RiseTime: 0 TransientTime: 0.2000 SettlingTime: 0.7500 SettlingMin: -1.8775 SettlingMax: 2.3386 Overshoot: 1.0331e+08 Undershoot: 8.2937e+07 Peak: 2.3386 PeakTime: 0.0200
disp('Whether the system is stable, minimum phase and proper:')
Whether the system is stable, minimum phase and proper:
ans = logical
ans = logical
ans = logical
Qc= ctrb(A,B)
Qc = 4×4
1.0e+05 * 0.0000 0.0000 1.9711 0.0001 0 0.0000 0.0000 1.9711 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0 0 0 0.0000
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controllab = rank(Qc)
controllab = 4
ans = logical
%tdc3 = totaldelay(sysod)
%sysndc3 = absorbDelay(sysod)
ans = logical
%Less important:
%sys_cl = ss(Ai-bi*[K Ki],br,ci,di)
%[a,b] = ss2tf(sys_cl.A,sys_cl.B,sys_cl.C,sys_cl.D)
%[A,B,C,D] = tf2ss(Nbar*a,b)
%sys_cl = ss(A,B,C,D)
%discrete system
%hold on
%sys_cld = c2d(sys_cl,Ts)
%title('Discrete sampled System')
%In similar approach to continue for 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 SISO parts of the MIMO.
%Contact me more if you need more tailored, specific service, solution,
%product development.
%Constructed by




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