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Convert Excel to Timetable

13 views (last 30 days)
Benedikt Skurk
Benedikt Skurk on 21 Feb 2021
Commented: Benedikt Skurk on 22 Feb 2021
I have a question for my uni project. I am pretty new to matlab as well.
So i am reading an excel sheet with following code:
function Auswertung3()
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.xlsx', 'Bitte Datei aussuchen');
[Data, ~, rawData] = xlsread(fullfile(pathname, filename));
Now i want to convert that excel file into a timetable? Can someone help me with that?
I attached the excel sheet as well, so the format should be the same just as timetable, and it should save the timetable in the workspace.
Thanks in advance!!

Answers (2)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 21 Feb 2021
‘I attached the excel sheet as well ...
Not yet.
The readtimetable function may be appropriate if you have R2019a or later.

Benedikt Skurk
Benedikt Skurk on 21 Feb 2021
You are right! Here is the sheet
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Feb 2021
t = readtable('Leit... xlsx') ;
tt = table2timetable(t) ;
Benedikt Skurk
Benedikt Skurk on 22 Feb 2021
If i do that i just get the errors:
Error using table2timetable
Input table must contain datetime or duration vector for row times.
Error in Auswertung3
TT = table2timetable(T);

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