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coefficients of a difference equation?
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Hello everybody!
How to find the coefficients of this difference equation in matlab in order to filter a music signal?

Thanks in advance!
Mathieu NOE
on 23 Feb 2021
this looks like an echo flter ... but the answer is in the question , you have written all coefficients of the equation - !
pretty much what is done here :
% read the sample waveform
[x,Fs] = audioread(infile);
% normalize x to +/- 1 amplitude
x = x ./ (max(abs(x)));
% parameters
N_delay=20; % delay in samples
C = 0.7; % amplitude of direct sound
y = zeros(length(x),1); % create empty out vector
y(1:N_delay)=x(1:N_delay); % to avoid referencing of negative samples
% for each sample > N_delay
for i = (N_delay+1):length(x)
y(i) = C*x(i) + (1-C)*(x(i-N_delay)); % add delayed sample
% write output
% normalize y to +/- 1 amplitude
y = y ./ (max(abs(y)));
audiowrite(outfile, y, Fs);
hold on
title('Echoed and original Signal');
Mathieu NOE
on 23 Feb 2021
the delay in samples = round( Fs x 0.15 sec)
do you know Fs ?
Mathieu NOE
on 24 Feb 2021
here is it : 3 filters in series :
% read the sample waveform
[x,Fs] = audioread(infile);
% normalize x to +/- 1 amplitude
x = x ./ (max(abs(x)));
% parameters (3 delay filters in series)
N1_delay=15; % delay in samples
C1 = 0.7; % amplitude of direct sound
N2_delay=20; % delay in samples
C2 = 0.6; % amplitude of direct sound
N3_delay=50; % delay in samples
C3 = 0.5; % amplitude of direct sound
N_delay = max([N1_delay N2_delay N3_delay]);
% initialization %
y1 = zeros(length(x),1); % create empty out vector
y2 = y1;
y3 = y1;
y1(1:N_delay)=x(1:N_delay); % to avoid referencing of negative samples
y2(1:N_delay)=x(1:N_delay); % to avoid referencing of negative samples
y3(1:N_delay)=x(1:N_delay); % to avoid referencing of negative samples
% for each sample > N_delay
for i = (N_delay+1):length(x)
y1(i) = C1*x(i) + (1-C1)*(x(i-N1_delay)); % add delayed sample
y2(i) = C2*y1(i) + (1-C2)*(y1(i-N2_delay)); % add delayed sample
y3(i) = C3*y2(i) + (1-C3)*(y2(i-N3_delay)); % add delayed sample
% write output
% normalize y to +/- 1 amplitude
y3 = y3 ./ (max(abs(y3)));
audiowrite(outfile, y3, Fs);
hold on
title('Echoed and original Signal');
Mathieu NOE
on 24 Feb 2021
have you tried to do a fft of it ?
example below :
% load signal
%% data
[data,Fs] = audioread('test_voice.wav');
channel = 1;
signal = data(:,channel);
samples = length(signal);
% FFT parameters
NFFT = 4096; %
OVERLAP = 0.75;
% spectrogram dB scale
spectrogram_dB_scale = 80; % dB range scale (means , the lowest displayed level is XX dB below the max level)
% options
% if you are dealing with acoustics, you may wish to have A weighted
% spectrums
% option_w = 0 : linear spectrum (no weighting dB (L) )
% option_w = 1 : A weighted spectrum (dB (A) )
option_w = 0;
%% decimate (if needed)
% NB : decim = 1 will do nothing (output = input)
decim = 4;
if decim>1
signal = decimate(signal,decim);
Fs = Fs/decim;
% display 1 : averaged FFT spectrum
[freq, sensor_spectrum] = myfft_peak(signal,Fs,NFFT,OVERLAP);
% convert to dB scale (ref = 1)
sensor_spectrum_dB = 20*log10(sensor_spectrum);
% apply A weigthing if needed
if option_w == 1
pondA_dB = pondA_function(freq);
sensor_spectrum_dB = sensor_spectrum_dB+pondA_dB;
my_ylabel = ('Amplitude (dB (A))');
my_ylabel = ('Amplitude (dB (L))');
title(['Averaged FFT Spectrum / Fs = ' num2str(Fs) ' Hz / Delta f = ' num2str(freq(2)-freq(1)) ' Hz ']);
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');ylabel(my_ylabel);
% display 2 : time / frequency analysis : spectrogram demo
[sg,fsg,tsg] = specgram(signal,NFFT,Fs,hanning(NFFT),floor(NFFT*OVERLAP));
% FFT normalisation and conversion amplitude from linear to dB (peak)
sg_dBpeak = 20*log10(abs(sg))+20*log10(2/length(fsg)); % NB : X=fft(x.*hanning(N))*4/N; % hanning only
% apply A weigthing if needed
if option_w == 1
pondA_dB = pondA_function(fsg);
sg_dBpeak = sg_dBpeak+(pondA_dB*ones(1,size(sg_dBpeak,2)));
my_title = ('Spectrogram (dB (A))');
my_title = ('Spectrogram (dB (L))');
% saturation of the dB range :
% saturation_dB = 60; % dB range scale (means , the lowest displayed level is XX dB below the max level)
min_disp_dB = round(max(max(sg_dBpeak))) - spectrogram_dB_scale;
sg_dBpeak(sg_dBpeak<min_disp_dB) = min_disp_dB;
% plots spectrogram
title([my_title ' / Fs = ' num2str(Fs) ' Hz / Delta f = ' num2str(fsg(2)-fsg(1)) ' Hz ']);
xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Frequency (Hz)');
function pondA_dB = pondA_function(f)
% dB (A) weighting curve
n = ((12200^2*f.^4)./((f.^2+20.6^2).*(f.^2+12200^2).*sqrt(f.^2+107.7^2).*sqrt(f.^2+737.9^2)));
r = ((12200^2*1000.^4)./((1000.^2+20.6^2).*(1000.^2+12200^2).*sqrt(1000.^2+107.7^2).*sqrt(1000.^2+737.9^2))) * ones(size(f));
pondA = n./r;
pondA_dB = 20*log10(pondA(:));
function [freq_vector,fft_spectrum] = myfft_peak(signal, Fs, nfft, Overlap)
% FFT peak spectrum of signal (example sinus amplitude 1 = 0 dB after fft).
% Linear averaging
% signal - input signal,
% Fs - Sampling frequency (Hz).
% nfft - FFT window size
% Overlap - buffer overlap % (between 0 and 0.95)
signal = signal(:);
samples = length(signal);
% fill signal with zeros if its length is lower than nfft
if samples<nfft
s_tmp = zeros(nfft,1);
s_tmp((1:samples)) = signal;
signal = s_tmp;
samples = nfft;
% window : hanning
window = hanning(nfft);
window = window(:);
% compute fft with overlap
offset = fix((1-Overlap)*nfft);
spectnum = 1+ fix((samples-nfft)/offset); % Number of windows
% % for info is equivalent to :
% noverlap = Overlap*nfft;
% spectnum = fix((samples-noverlap)/(nfft-noverlap)); % Number of windows
% main loop
fft_spectrum = 0;
for i=1:spectnum
start = (i-1)*offset;
sw = signal((1+start):(start+nfft)).*window;
fft_spectrum = fft_spectrum + (abs(fft(sw))*4/nfft); % X=fft(x.*hanning(N))*4/N; % hanning only
fft_spectrum = fft_spectrum/spectnum; % to do linear averaging scaling
% one sidded fft spectrum % Select first half
if rem(nfft,2) % nfft odd
select = (1:(nfft+1)/2)';
select = (1:nfft/2+1)';
fft_spectrum = fft_spectrum(select);
freq_vector = (select - 1)*Fs/nfft;
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Feb 2021
this will do averaged fft and spectrogram analysis of any signal , and in case it has some periodic content, it will show up as a peak in the spectrum (at the dominant frequency)
otherwise , if you are sure that your signal is basically a decaying (damped) sinus wave, you can also simply compute the time intervals (= period of oscillation) between consecutives crossing points (positive or negative slope of signal) , given a certain threshold , see example on steady sinus wave attached
on 25 Feb 2021
Hello again!
I have these coefficients from a filter for dereverberation:
b = [6 0 0 0 0 0 0];
a = [1 0 2.45 0 2 0 0.55];
and this is the difference equation:
dereverb(n) = 6*reverb(n)-2.45*dereverb(n-2)-2*dereverb(n-4)-0.55*dereverb(n-6);
also I have these coefficients from a filter for reverb:
b = [0.1664 0 0.4084 0 0.3341 0 0.0911];
a = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0];
and this is the difference equation:
y(n) = 0.1664*x(n)+0.4084*x(n-2)+0.3341*x(n-4)+0.0911*x(n-6);
Have I calculated the dereverberation coefficients correctly? If yes, how to filter a reverb signal through dereverberation filter?
Mathieu NOE
on 26 Feb 2021
IMO, your dereverb filter is incorrect. I understand that you take the reverb filter (a FIR filter) and inverse numerator / denominator to create the dereverb filter. But that does not generate a causal , stable and realizable dereverb filter.
It is unstable as you can see by generating the impulse response :
b = [6 0 0 0 0 0 0];
a = [1 0 2.45 0 2 0 0.55];
Mathieu NOE
on 26 Feb 2021
the usual technique used in acoustic room compensations , is to make a time delayed version of the flipped FIR filter
you can do that by creating the flipped FIR :
b_flipped = flipud(b')'
then you will see that putting the two filters in series lead to a perfectly flat tranfer function, that is , the impulse response of both filters in series is a sharp pulse (Dirac)
for your dereverb simulation, you only need to rewritte the difference equation based on b_flipped coefficients (as for the reverb case)
on 28 Feb 2021
Edited: RoBoTBoY
on 28 Feb 2021
I wrote this:
b_dereverb = [4.6297 0 0 0 0 0 0];
a_dereverb = [1 0 2 0 1.3333 0 4];
flipped_b_dereverb = flipud(b_dereverb')';
flipped_a_dereverb = flipud(a_dereverb')';
y_derevereration = filter(flipped_b_dereverb,flipped_a_dereverb,reverb_piano);
y_derevereration = y_derevereration./(max(abs(y_derevereration))); % normalization of dereverb piano
title('Dereverb Signal');
But I don't have the expectantly results. I got the same reverb signal.

Why that?
Mathieu NOE
on 1 Mar 2021
the "flip" technique applies only on FIR filter , not IIR; you can see that in many applications dealing with room acoustcs compesntion (electronic equalization of loudspeakers)
% read the sample waveform
[x,Fs] = audioread(infile);
% normalize x to +/- 1 amplitude
x = x ./ (max(abs(x)));
%%%%%% reverb using FIR filter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% b = [0.1664 0 0.4084 0 0.3341 0 0.0911];
% a = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0];
% and this is the difference equation:
y = x;
for n = 7:length(x)
y(n) = 0.1664*x(n)+0.4084*x(n-2)+0.3341*x(n-4)+0.0911*x(n-6);
% write output
% normalize y to +/- 1 amplitude
y = y ./ (max(abs(y)));
audiowrite(outfile1, y, Fs);
%%%%%% dereverb using flipped FIR filter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% b_flipped = flipud(b')'
% b = [0.0911 0 0.3341 0 0.4084 0 0.1664];
% a = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0];
% and this is the difference equation:
y2 = y;
for n = 7:length(y)
y2(n) = 0.0911*y(n)+0.3341*y(n-2)+0.4084*y(n-4)+0.1664*y(n-6);
% write output
% normalize y to +/- 1 amplitude
y2 = y2 ./ (max(abs(y2)));
audiowrite(outfile2, y2, Fs);
hold on
title('Echoed and original Signal');
Mathieu NOE
on 2 Mar 2021
should be working, I tested it on another wav file and there was some improvements, even though the reverb + dereverb process was creating some masking effects - the final wav file sound is not as clean as the original one.
maybe there are more advanced attached papers
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