How to Analyze Factorial Design?
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I'm been trying to analize a factorial desing 2^3, with 4 center points on matlab. My teacher said i have to analyze it with matlab instead minitab.
I tried to use the function anovan, but i can't find a way to include my especifications for the analysys of variance for my 2^3 desing.
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Answers (1)
on 11 Nov 2024
Hi Juan,
I understand that you want to analyze a factorial design of 2^3. A (2^3) factorial design involves three factors, each at two levels, resulting in (2^3 =) 8 experimental runs.
Adding center points to this design helps in detecting any curvature in the response surface, providing insights into potential non-linear relationships between the factors and the response.
Please find the example MATLAB code below to understand the analysis of the factorial design:
- Generate the (2^3) Factorial Design: A design with three factors is defined, each having two levels. This creates a full factorial design. The design matrix uses coded levels (-1, 1) to simplify the interpretation of effects. Coded levels are standard in factorial designs as they center the data, making it easier to identify interactions and main effects.
% Generate the 2^3 factorial design with coded levels
factors = 3; % Number of factors
levels = 2; % Levels for each factor
design = fullfact([levels levels levels]);
% Convert to coded levels (-1, 1)
design(design == 1) = -1;
design(design == 2) = 1;
- Center Points: Center points are added to the design to test for curvature. They are typically placed at the midpoint of the factor levels (coded as 0, 0, 0)
% Add center points (coded as [0, 0, 0])
centerPoints = repmat([0, 0, 0], 4, 1);
design = [design; centerPoints];
- Response Data: Please input your experimental data here. The response variable corresponds to the observed outcomes for each run of the design, including both factorial and center points.
% Generate response data (example data)
% Replace this with your actual response data
response = [10; 12; 14; 16; 18; 20; 22; 24; 15; 15; 15; 15];
- Fit the Linear Model: The design matrix and response data are combined into a table for analysis. The factors are labeled X1, X2, and X3, and the response as Y. The fitlm function fits a linear model including all main effects and interactions (X1*X2*X3).
% Step 3: Fit the linear model
tbl = array2table([design, response], 'VariableNames', {'X1', 'X2', 'X3', 'Y'});
mdl = fitlm(tbl, 'Y ~ X1*X2*X3');
- ANOVA: The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is performed to test the significance of each factor and their interactions. The ANOVA table provides p-values that help determine which effects are statistically significant.
% Step 4: Perform ANOVA
anovaResults = anova(mdl, 'summary');
% Display results
For more information on the fullfact, fitlm, and anova functions in MATLAB R2024b, please refer to the documentation links provided below:
I hope this helps!
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