Trying to add color gradient to patch(isosurface))
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Hi all,
im currently trying to visualize a pressure field in a 3D voxel field of a 32x32x32 image.
The way this currently works is through using patch(isosurface()) as is shown in the code below.
image = rand(32,32,32);
filtered = imgaussfilt3(image,2.5);
BW = imbinarize(filtered,0.517);

The image above is what it produces.
What it does is plot the contour of the 1's and leave empty the 0's but I want it to do something else. The 1 values are going to be replaced by pressure field values (1 to 33) and I want the white+black contour to change into a color gradient. So far I couldnt get any colormap to do this. Is this even possible?
Accepted Answer
on 2 Mar 2021
Here is an example (not tested)
% BW - is your 01 3d matrix
% A - is your color value matrix (0-33)
cm = jet(33); % colormap
fv = isosurface(BW,0.9);
fv.facevertexcdata = cm(A(:),:); % get color according to 0-33
on 2 Mar 2021
Everything is ok. I understood correctly. Here are corrections
% BW - is your 01 3d matrix
% A - is your color value matrix (0-33)
cm = jet(34); % colormap
fv = isosurface(BW,0.9); % extract patch data
[m,n,k] = size(A);
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(1:m,1:n,1:k); % mesh
v1 = fv.vertices;
A1 = griddata(x,y,z,A,v1(:,1),v1(:,2),v1(:,3)); % interpolate A data (0-33) for x y z position
ind = 1 + round(A1); % indices
fv.facevertexcdata = cm(ind,:); % get color according to 1-34
More Answers (1)
on 1 Mar 2021
Not sure about the exact what you wish to plot. But you can give it a try to plot using imagesc, use the gray colormap to plot.

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