Finding a bit value ?

1 view (last 30 days)
Aleksander on 22 May 2013
Hi. I have a value like a = 10101 this would change after how my program is run, but i will always use 0 or 1. so i consider this binary. now i would like to get the status of bit 5 i.e the first number (closest to the equal sign).
note!: the intention is to have the binary row decied which buttons are displayed in a gui.
this is what i have come up with
for i = 0:4
count = i+1
if (bitget(main_sel2, count)==1)
set(handles.(sprintf('but%d', count))(:),'Visible','on');
set(handles.(sprintf('but%d', count))(:),'Visible','off');

Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 22 May 2013
Edited: Matt J on 22 May 2013
One way,
>> bits=fliplr(num2str(a)-'0'); bits(5)
ans =
Aleksander on 25 May 2013
Thanks, i tested it now and looks to work as i want :) Sine i am a nub can you try to enlighten me how fliplr actualy dose This ? Thanks.
Matt J
Matt J on 25 May 2013
FLIPLR isn't doing anything significant. You posted that you want the indexing order of the bits to run from right to left (bit #5 is the leftmost bit). If you omit FLIPLR, you will be reading from left to right instead.

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