Batch image processing loop

3 views (last 30 days)
Owen Lane
Owen Lane on 12 Mar 2021
Commented: Owen Lane on 15 Mar 2021
I would like the system to read every image in the folder, which i does correctly but only processes the baseFile. How do i get it to run the below function on every image as it reads it?
%%Load image
rgb = imread(fullFileName);
%%Load image
Folder = 'C:\Users\Owen\Desktop\UNIVERSITY\Year 3\SEM2\KV6003 Induvidual Projects\MATLAB code';
if ~isfolder(Folder)
errorMessage = sprintf('Error: The following folder does not exist:\n%s', Folder);
filePattern = fullfile(Folder, '*.jpg');
jpegFiles = dir(filePattern);
for k = 1:length(jpegFiles)
baseFileName = jpegFiles(k).name;
fullFileName = fullfile(Folder, baseFileName);
fprintf(1, 'Now reading %s\n', fullFileName);
imageArray = imread(fullFileName);
imshow(imageArray); % Display image.
%%Find red points
redPoints = rgb(:,:,1)>=100 & rgb(:,:,2)<=149 & rgb(:,:,3)<=140;
percentRed = 100*(sum(sum(redPoints))/(size(rgb,1)*size(rgb,2)));
fprintf('Image has %d red pixels\n',sum(sum(redPoints)))
fprintf('Image is %.2f percent red\n',percentRed)
%%Highlight red on image
rgbRed = uint8(cat(3,redPoints,redPoints,redPoints)).*rgb;
%Find green points
greenPoints = rgb(:,:,1)<=104 & rgb(:,:,2)>=0 & rgb(:,:,3)<=100;
percentGreen = 100*(sum(sum(greenPoints))/(size(rgb,1)*size(rgb,2)));
fprintf('Image has %d green pixels\n',sum(sum(greenPoints)))
fprintf('Image is %.2f percent green\n',percentGreen)
%Highlight green on image
rgbGreen = uint8(cat(3,greenPoints,greenPoints,greenPoints)).*rgb;
%Find blue points
bluePoints = rgb(:,:,1)<=111 & rgb(:,:,2)<=112 & rgb(:,:,3)>=0;
percentBlue = 100*(sum(sum(bluePoints))/(size(rgb,1)*size(rgb,2)));
fprintf('Image has %d blue pixels\n',sum(sum(bluePoints)))
fprintf('Image is %.2f percent blue\n',percentBlue)
%Highligh blue on image
rgbBlue = uint8(cat(3,bluePoints,bluePoints,bluePoints)).*rgb;

Accepted Answer

Aghamarsh Varanasi
Aghamarsh Varanasi on 15 Mar 2021
Edited: Aghamarsh Varanasi on 15 Mar 2021
The image that you are reading using 'imread' in the for loop is assigned to a variable 'imageArray', whereas the operations are done on a variable named 'rgb'. Renaming the variable 'imageArray' to 'rgb' would solve the issue.
Forth line in the for loop would be,
for k = 1:length(jpegFiles)
baseFileName = jpegFiles(k).name;
fullFileName = fullfile(Folder, baseFileName);
fprintf(1, 'Now reading %s\n', fullFileName);
rgb = imread(fullFileName);
imshow(rgb); % Display image.
  1 Comment
Owen Lane
Owen Lane on 15 Mar 2021
Thank you for your feedback.
I have tested this and it has worked perfectly. It now identifies and processes each image in the folder.
Thank you again

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