Run pushbutton callback only 3 times, after that display warning message
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Hi! I am new in matlab, can you please help me with this question: While clicking on pushbutton callback it plays wav file. I want to limit number of clicks to max 3 times. When clicking 4th time get error message: warndlg({'Warning: You exceeded number of repetitions.';}); Should I use loops or what?? Thank you in advance!!!
function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
if handles.status==1
Accepted Answer
David Sanchez
on 5 Jun 2013
in GUI initialization function:
global times_pushed
times_pushed = 0;
in your callback function:
global times_pushed
times_pushed = times_pushed + 1;
if times_pushed == 4
errordlg('your error message here');
times_pushed = 0;
More Answers (2)
David Sanchez
on 5 Jun 2013
Define a global variable and initialize to 0 within initialization function:
global times_pushed
times_pushed = 0;
Within the callback function, increment the value of this variable each time the function is called ( the button in pushed )
timer_pushed = times_pushed + 1;
if times_pushed == 4
errordlg('your error message here');
times_pushed = 0;
on 5 Jun 2013
Don't use globals if you can avoid them.
You can use "persistent" variables, if you only want one function to access it.
You can put a count of how many times it has been played into the "userdata" property of a graphics object and retrieve it with set and get
on 5 Jun 2013
1 Comment
on 5 Jun 2013
set(h, 'Userdata', variable)
Takes the contents ot "variable", and puts it in the "userdata" property of the item referred to by "h".
v = get(h,'Userdata')
Retrives the contents of the userdata property of the item referred to by h, and puts it in the variable "v".
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