Lagrange or spline (interp2)

1 view (last 30 days)
Kamuran on 3 Feb 2011
I am working on a numerical calculation where I use spectral methods to find the flow profile. Although I can use cut-offs around 50*50 for 2D calculations. After having my velocity profile , I have been told that I can use an interpolation method to have velocity profile other than my grid points. In my calculation I am using non-uniform girds. So my data is not uniformly spaced. I wonder which one is a better way to interpolate my velocity profile. I know that if I use Lagrange polynomial I am going to use one polynomial for all my points. And in spline it is piece-wise. But I am not sure if it is piecewise linear for higher orders ?
Thank you

Accepted Answer

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 3 Feb 2011
spline is almost always better.

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