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Showing a legend for a "group" of plots

66 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I am plotting 3 vectors (x1,x2,x3 - each has about 5 values) as lines
plot([x1 x1],[0 1],'r.-');hold on
plot([x2 x2],[0 2],'Color','blue','LineStyle','--','LineWidth',2)
plot([x3 x3],[0 2],'Color','green','LineStyle','--','LineWidth',2)
grid on; xlabel('Time(ms)');
I want to add just 3 legends for each colour. However, when I do this, it adds the 3 legends for the first 3 plots (i.e. red lines).
How do I show the legend just once for each colour?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Apr 2021
h1 = plot([x1 x1],[0 1],'r.-');hold on
h2 = plot([x2 x2],[0 2],'Color','blue','LineStyle','--','LineWidth',2)
h3 = plot([x3 x3],[0 2],'Color','green','LineStyle','--','LineWidth',2)
grid on; xlabel('Time(ms)');
legend( [h1(1), h2(1), h3(1)], {'Camera','Extreme1','Extreme2'},"Location",'best','FontSize',12);

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