How to exchange data between Simulink model and App Designer when run in EXTERNAL MODE?

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I wanted to test an equipment and observe the results with change in parameters. In order to communicate with the equipment I used HUMUSOFT multi-function card and created a Simulink Desktop Real-Time model which is, my model runs in external mode. To make the observation process simpler I wanted to create a Matlab app with the help of App Designer.
Now, I need help in getting data from simulink model(external mode) to App Designer.
Note: I just wanted to inform that, I know about 'sim' command and it works perfectly fine for normal mode and not for an external mode. For external mode I know about using 'set_param' but I am unable to get the data from simulink model( I tried using this command in an external model with a 'To Workspace' block).
I would be glad if someone provides me with any helpful links or an examples.

Accepted Answer

Jan Houska
Jan Houska on 12 May 2021
Hi Nagendra,
there are several ways you can proceed. First, you can rethink the idea of creating a MATLAB app and use the blocks from the Simulink Dashboard library instead. These blocks work with external mode and you can create quite a nice dashboard using them. Please see the example model sldrtex_dashboard. This is probably the easiest way.
Then, you should be able to use the Scope block and the To Workspace block to log data to workspace. With the Scope block, you will need to make sure that logging to workspace is enabled. But data logged this way will appear in the workspace only after the simulation ends.
And, you can also write your app as a SimViewing S-function. This requires more effort but gives you the maximum flexibility.
Good Luck, Jan
Mark Edwards
Mark Edwards on 29 Jun 2021
Jan, can you provide more details on Simulink Dashboard working with external mode?
I'm running the sldrtex_dashboard on an external target (C2000). The model runs fine in exteral mode but none of the dashboard items change.
Thanks, Mark.
Jan Houska
Jan Houska on 2 Jul 2021
Hi Mark,
the dashboard blocks require the external mode target to support the XCP protocol. Simulink Desktop Real-Time supports the protocol, but I'm not sure about the C2000.
Best Regards, Jan

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More Answers (1)

Jonas on 12 May 2021
Edited: Jonas on 12 May 2021
Does this example learn anything?
app = slrt_ex_pendulumApp;

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