switch command on listbox value
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Iheb Maddouri
on 18 May 2021
Edited: Turlough Hughes
on 19 May 2021
Hi all,
I am working on a GUI in appdesigner and I want to plot something but depending on the user slection of some parameters in a listbox.
it works fine when I don't use multiselect. But I want to plot the parameters on the same plot using multiselection.
For example if I select number 1 it plots number one and if I also want to simultaneously want to select number 2 I want that aslo to be plotted on the same figure and when I deselect it I want to disappear. Can anyone help me pleae.
I will be glad to share some of the code if it is not understandable.
Accepted Answer
Turlough Hughes
on 18 May 2021
Edited: Turlough Hughes
on 18 May 2021
You can get an index of the selected values as follows:
idx = ismember(app.ListBox.Items,app.ListBox.Value);
Then, make the plots visible or invisible based on your index. See the demo attached.
Turlough Hughes
on 19 May 2021
Edited: Turlough Hughes
on 19 May 2021
Plots not currently selected in the callback have their visibility turned off by
So I would say double check that line in your code, otherwise I would need more info (e.g. the .mlapp file).
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