How to quickly find out the repeat integers in an array?
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Dear All,
I have an array A which contains repeat intergers (entries). For example, A = [4 20 5 4 7 5 9 5 31]. I want to find out the repeat elements {4, 5} and their locations.
Accepted Answer
Akira Agata
on 3 Jun 2021
I believe it's time to use accumarray function!
How about the following?
A = [4 20 5 4 7 5 9 5 31];
B = accumarray(A',1);
pt = find(B >= 2);
loc = arrayfun(@(x) find(x == A),pt,'UniformOutput',false);
tResult = table(pt,loc,'VariableNames',{'Value','Location'});
The result is like this:
>> tResult
tResult =
2×2 table
Value Location
_____ _________
4 {[ 1 4]}
5 {[3 6 8]}
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 3 Jun 2021
At the time I was composing my own reply, I didn't think anyone else would give an accumarray solution ;-)
There are a few differences between the above and my first solution:
- my version supports negative integers
- I "compress" the range of values in a sense: if the mininum integer happens to be large, a straight accumarray could waste a lot of space, whereas my version does not use up any space between 0 and the lowest integer
- but both versions potentially waste a lot of space: if for example A was [1 1e6+1 2e6+1] then both of them waste a lot of memory
- we handle the matches differently. Akira's version searches through the data once plus one time for every unique value; my version searches through the data once
More Answers (1)
Walter Roberson
on 3 Jun 2021
A = [4 20 5 4 7 5 9 5 31]
mA = min(A(:)) - 1;
At = A(:) - mA;
locs = accumarray(At, (1:length(At)), [], @(V) {V.'});
dups = cellfun(@length,locs) > 1;
info = [num2cell(At(dups)+mA), locs(dups)]
... but most people might find that too obscure. Less obscure might be
[G, uA] = findgroups(A);
info = cell(0,2);
for K = 1 : max(G)
matches = find(G == K);
if length(matches) > 1
info(end+1,:) = {uA(K), matches};
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