How can I Draw a Line on a 3D plot?
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Joshua Mitchell
on 22 Jun 2021
Commented: Bretislav Kubes
on 5 Jan 2023
I am trying to draw a red line across a 3D surface plot for an app:

I have the 2D plot coded to do this as follows:
ylim(app.UIAxes2, [0 60]);
xlim(app.UIAxes2, [0 60]);
app.UIAxes2.PositionConstraint = 'outerposition';
but the xline command will not work for the 3D plot, as it does not follow the Z data and draws a line straight through the dipole I am modelling.
"value" in the above code is whatever line is selected by the app user.
"Bat" is the matrix data I am modelling.
Does anyone know how to plot a red line like this that will contour to my Z data? Here is the code for my 3D plot below:
ylim(app.UIAxes3, [0 60]);
xlim(app.UIAxes3, [0 60]);
app.UIAxes3.PositionConstraint = 'outerposition';
ax = app.UIAxes3;
ax.ZAxis.Exponent = 0;
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
Scott MacKenzie
on 22 Jun 2021
Have your tried line, instead of xline? It allows for x, y, and z input arguments.
Accepted Answer
Scott MacKenzie
on 24 Jun 2021
Edited: Scott MacKenzie
on 24 Jun 2021
Here's an example using line. I used your code, but re-assigned ax.UIAxes2, Bat, and value so the code would execute on my machine.
UIAxes3 = gca; % your app.UIAxes3
Bat = peaks; % for testing
value = 30; % test value
surf(UIAxes3, Bat);
ylim(UIAxes3, [0 60]);
xlim(UIAxes3, [0 60]);
view(UIAxes3, 3);
UIAxes3.PositionConstraint = 'outerposition';
UIAxes3.ZAxis.Exponent = 0;
x = 1:size(Bat,2);
y = ones(1,size(Bat,2)) * value;
z = Bat(value,:);

Scott MacKenzie
on 25 Jun 2021
Edited: Scott MacKenzie
on 25 Jun 2021
You need to change z as well, to pull z data along the y-axis instead of the x-axis:
z = Bat(:,value);

More Answers (1)
on 24 Jun 2021
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(100) ;
% DRaw a line at origin
x = linspace(-3,3) ;
y = repelem(0,1,length(x)) ;
z = interp2(X,Y,Z,x,y) ;
% plot
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