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I want to return the value of x , description below

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%%%%%% I want to return the x value from File 2 to File 1.
%%%% File 1
% Total Capacity After Water_filling and Genetic Algorithm
M = 60; %Number of Antennas BS
N = (6:10).^2; %Number of Elements IRS
K = 1:10; %Number of Single Antennas UE
L = 3; %Number of paths
fc = 28e9; %Carrier freq
SNR = -10; %Signal to Noise Ratio
data.Pt = 1; %Total Power
data.Pn = data.Pt/(10^(SNR/10)) ; %Noise Power
C_A = zeros(numel(N),numel(K));
Max_iter = 1;
for iter = 1:Max_iter
for n = N
%%% Millimeter wave Channel
G = M_Wave_channel_Matrix(fc, M, n, L, 'BS', 'IRS'); %NxM
data.G = G;
F = zeros(1,n);
H = zeros(1,M);
for k = K
%%% channel IRS-UE
fk = M_Wave_channel_Matrix(fc, n, 1, L, 'IRS', 'UE'); %1xN
F(K==k,:) = fk; %KxN
data.F = F;
%%% channel BS-UE
hk = M_Wave_channel_Matrix(fc, M, 1, L, 'BS', 'UE'); %1xM
H(K==k,:) = hk; %KxN
data.H = H;
%%% Genetic Algorithm
FT = @(x)-Genetic_A_Set(x,data);
A = []; % No other constraints
b = [];
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
lb = zeros(1,n);
ub = ones(1,n);
opts = optimoptions(@ga, ...
'PopulationSize', 150, ...
'MaxGenerations', 200, ...
'EliteCount', 10, ...
'FunctionTolerance', 1e-2);
[x,fval] = ga(FT,n,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,[],opts);
C_ga = -fval;
C_A(N==n,K==k) = C_A(N==n,K==k) + 1/Max_iter*(C_ga); %Algorithm Capacity
%%%% File 2
% Function of Genetic Algorithm
function C_ga = Genetic_A_Set(x,data)
theta = (2*pi)*(x); %Reflecting Angle IRS
Phi = diag(exp(1i*theta)); %Phase Shift Matrix for IRS. Amplitude = 1
HT = data.H+data.F*Phi*data.G; %Channel Matrix
do_waterfill = 1; % Flag
%% Rep_Water_filling
while do_waterfill
W = pinv(HT); %Precoding Matrix
W_bar = W./sqrt(sum(abs(W.^2),1));
D_Matrix = HT*W_bar; %Diagonal Matrix
D_Square = (abs(diag(D_Matrix))').^2; % Channel gains
P = waterfill(data.Pt,data.Pn./D_Square);
if any(P==0)
HT(P==0,:) = []; %Delete User Row
do_waterfill = 0;
R = P.*D_Square/data.Pn;
C_ga = sum(log2(1+R)); %Capacity
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 15 Dec 2021
Original question
I want to return the value of x , description below
dg = sum(log2(1+R)); %Capacity
ok, It is completely different.
here I want to return the length of R (Length_R) from File 2, but the problem is if you read the decision below that I need to return also C_ga which I will put in FT and use for the Genetic Algorithm in file one, but Length_R I need to return it to file 1 to compare it with C_A.

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Accepted Answer

Soniya Jain
Soniya Jain on 27 Jun 2021
% Function of Genetic Algorithm
function C_ga = Genetic_A_Set(x,data)
So, instead of writing another function to find length of R, you can return the length of R in this function only,
% Function of Genetic Algorithm
function [C_ga, length_R] = Genetic_A_Set(x,data)
Matthew Worker
Matthew Worker on 29 Jun 2021
Edited: Leo Map on 29 Jun 2021
I think I should return R_length by using another function. right

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