Interpretation of Simulink block warning

7 views (last 30 days)
Thomas Becker
Thomas Becker on 8 Jul 2021
Answered: Thomas Becker on 28 Jul 2021
I'm back to Simulink after a few years of absence. However, I ran into following warning during simulation, which I've never seen before. And which I still can't interprete after reading it 5 times:
Minimum '-400' and maximum '400' from 'FOC_Controller/PI Controller/U_d' are mapped to a portion of the wide signal coming from 'Output Port 1' of 'FOC_Controller/PI Controller/DQ Limiter/Switch' and have been ignored during range checking. To enable the range checking for the minimum and maximum values, insert a Signal Conversion block with its 'Output' parameter set to 'Signal copy' in front of 'FOC_Controller/PI Controller/U_d'.
Only the bold sentence is unclear to me.
Thanks in advance and greetings,

Answers (2)

Jonas on 8 Jul 2021
You have defined minimum and maximum values of a certain output or signal, and then probably created a vector of it using a Mux block. The diagnostics complains that that min/max range is only defined for part of the vector signal.
That's my guess, because it's otherwise difficult to assess without seeing your model.

Thomas Becker
Thomas Becker on 28 Jul 2021
Thanks for your answer, but, however, I still don't get it. I have attached a simple example model to reproduce the warning (R2021a and a copy exported to R2016b).
  • create a vector of both inputs 1 and 2 using a mux block
  • route the vector signal to a switch block and then to a demux block
  • afterwards, range checking is not possible, i.e. with the mentioned warning
However, without the switch block, range checking seems to working fine and without warnings.
I just don't understand whats happening in the background and what's the reason for not being able to check the range...




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