Mathematical formula calculation problem in Matlab

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I need to write above equation to my Matlab code but while writing it I got comfused. (M0=1.695) , (tetha1= 41.31 degree), and (gamma=1.4) . When I insert that numbers our result M1=2.5476. but it should be around 1.51. Would you please write that code in Matlab? I will insert my code also;
M1= sqrt((2.4^2*M0^4*(sind(t1)^2)-4*(M0^2*(sind(t1)^2)-1)*(1.4*M0^2*(sind(t1)^2)+1))/((2*1.4*M0^2*(sind(t1)^2)-2.4)*(0.4*M0^2*(sind(t1)^2)+2)));

Answers (1)

Simon Chan
Simon Chan on 12 Jul 2021
If you accept more than 1 line:
Gamma = 1.4;
M0 = 1.695;
theta1 = 41.31;
Msin = (M0*sind(theta1))^2;
Gplus = Gamma + 1;
Gminus = Gamma - 1;
nominator = (Gplus^2*Msin^2)-4*(Msin-1)*(Gamma*Msin+1);
denominator = (2*Gamma*Msin-Gplus)*(Gminus*Msin+2);
M1 = sqrt(nominator/denominator)
Ahmet Akcura
Ahmet Akcura on 12 Jul 2021
nominator = (Gplus^2*Msin^2)-4*(Msin-1)*(Gamma*Msin+1);
in above part 'Msin^2' please control this term. Not true. When I write like you with arranging correctly, it gave me the M1=2.54 again.
Simon Chan
Simon Chan on 12 Jul 2021
You are right, but I accidentally got what you want in my previous code.
Anyway, I got 2.5476 when change the nominator to the following:
nominator = (Gplus^2*M0^2*Msin)-4*(Msin-1)*(Gamma*Msin+1);

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