How to connect points horizontally and vertically in non-rect grid?

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I've been working on a problem and have gotten stuck. I've been trying to make a grid of points of a customized shape. I've got the X and Y points of the grid, but I don't know how to completely connect them in 2 directions.
Here is what I have:
Notice how the lines connect in one direction. I want it such that lines go through the "O's" as well. How do I pull this off?
General code:
-giant X matrix with X coordinate of each point. -giant Y matrix of Y coordinate of each point.
figure plot(X,Y,'-o')
Thanks for any help / advice you can give.

Accepted Answer

Teja Muppirala
Teja Muppirala on 20 Sep 2013
Idea 1. Use SURF
[x,y] = ndgrid(0:0.1:2); %Just making random data
x = sin(x).*y;
y = x+y.^2;
figure, surf(x,y,zeros(size(x)),'facecolor','none','marker','o','edgecolor','k');
Idea 2. Use PLOT twice, the second time with the matrices transposed.
[x,y] = ndgrid(0:0.1:2);
x = sin(x).*y;
y = x+y.^2;
figure, plot(x,y,'o-')
hold on;

More Answers (1)

Chris on 20 Sep 2013
Oh wow. The transpose worked perfectly:

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