How to convert a cell array to a compatible matrix?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have a cell array which is filled with matrices of varying size, could you help me to convert it to matrix with filling zeros at in between columns,
in this case the matrix size is ought ot be 41x 41 of double type.
  1 Comment
KSSV on 16 Jul 2021
Fill the empty cells with appropriate zero matrices and use Cell2mat.

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 16 Jul 2021
Edited: Jan on 16 Jul 2021
CC = {rand(9,9), rand(5,4), rand(5,4), rand(6,4), rand(6,4), rand(8,4), rand(8,4), rand(9,4), rand(9, 4); ...
rand(4,5), rand(4,4), [], [], [], [], [], [], []; ...
[], [], rand(4,4), [], [], [], [], [], []; ...
rand(4,6), [], [], rand(4,4), [], [], [], [], []; ...
[], [], [], [], rand(4,4), [], [], [], []; ...
rand(4,6), [], [], [], [], rand(4,4), [], [], []; ...
[], [], [], [], [], [], rand(4,4), [], []; ...
rand(4,6), [], [], [], [], [], [], rand(4,4), []; ...
[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], rand(4,4)};
C = CC;
S1 = cellfun('size', C, 1);
maxS1 = max(S1, [], 2);
S2 = cellfun('size', C, 2);
maxS2 = max(S2, [], 1);
for i2 = 1:size(C, 2)
for i1 = 1:size(C, 1)
X = C{i1, i2};
if size(X, 1) < maxS1(i1) || size(X, 2) < maxS2(i2)
X(maxS1(i1), maxS2(i2)) = 0;
C{i1, i2} = X;
Result = cell2mat(C);
C = CC;
S1 = cellfun('size', C, 1);
maxS1 = max(S1, [], 2);
S2 = cellfun('size', C, 2);
maxS2 = max(S2, [], 1);
Result2 = zeros(sum(maxS1), sum(maxS2));
c1 = 1;
for i1 = 1:size(C, 1)
c2 = 1;
for i2 = 1:size(C, 2)
X = C{i1, i2};
Result2(c1:c1 + size(X,1) - 1, c2:c2 + size(X,2) - 1) = X;
c2 = c2 + maxS2(i2);
c1 = c1 + maxS1(i1);
isequal(Result, Result2)
ans = logical
It took some tome to create some test data as input. Please care for providing some code, which creates your input data, to make answering as easy as possible.

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