Impose a numerical limit on the value of a sum of two vectors

4 views (last 30 days)
Hello everyone
I want to sum two arrays, let's say a1 and a2. However, I seek that the sum, element by element, of these vectors does not exceed the maximum value of the array a1. Those elements of the sum vector that exceed this limit, I would like them to show the maximum of a1 as a numerical value.
How could I do this?

Accepted Answer

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 16 Jul 2021
One possibility is
  1 Comment
Stephen23 on 16 Jul 2021
+1 this is the efficient MATLAB approach. However it needs to avoid the issues caused by the default behavior of max:

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More Answers (2)

KSSV on 16 Jul 2021
a12 = a1+a2 ;
[val,idx] = max(a1)
a12(a12>val) = []

Jayant Gangwar
Jayant Gangwar on 16 Jul 2021
It is my understanding that you would like to sum two arrays element by element and replace all the elements in the resulting array that are greater than the max element in first array by that max element. Given below is an example where I have done the same with two dummy arrays.


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