datastore function - new error not seen before

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A month ago, I was able to run this script. The folder contain 900+ csv files. But now I can't, and couldn't figure out why.
dsFull = datastore("C:\Data\04 CSV\100 200");
%Converting all variables into '%q' for string as R2020b version automatically
%assign data type according to the first row creating error when readall.
dsFull.TextscanFormats = {'%q' '%q' '%q' '%q' '%q' '%q' '%q'}
%create Cardiology Discharge Summary table name cds
cds = readall(dsFull);
I received this error:
Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached.
Error in coder.const (line 25)
[varargout{:}] = feval(varargin{1}, varargin{2:end});
Caused by:
Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached.
Unrecognized function or variable 'eml_numfields'.
Error in fieldnames>loc_fnames (line 36)
n = eml_numfields(s);
Error in fieldnames (line 25)
names = loc_fnames(s);
Error in weboptions>setInputs (line 650)
names = fieldnames(inputs);
Error in weboptions (line 378)
options = setInputs(options, inputs);
Error in matlab.internal.doc.updateConnectorDocroot (line 3)
options = weboptions('RequestMethod','post', ...
Unrecognized function or variable 'eml_numfields'.
Error in fieldnames>loc_fnames (line 36)
n = eml_numfields(s);
Error in fieldnames (line 25)
names = loc_fnames(s);
Error in weboptions>setInputs (line 650)
names = fieldnames(inputs);
Error in weboptions (line 378)
options = setInputs(options, inputs);
Error in matlab.internal.doc.updateConnectorDocroot (line 3)
options = weboptions('RequestMethod','post', ...
Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached.
Error in coder.const (line 25)
[varargout{:}] = feval(varargin{1}, varargin{2:end});
Caused by:
Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached.
Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached.
Error in coder.const (line 25)
[varargout{:}] = feval(varargin{1}, varargin{2:end});
Caused by:
Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached.
Stephen23 on 5 Aug 2021
Do NOT change the recursion limit, doing so will NOT fix this problem.
It looks like you (or a toolbox you have installed) has shadowed a function name, which causes the recursion.
Judging by the error message, a likely candidate is FIELDNAMES. Please show us the complete output of this command:
which fieldnames -all
and you might as well show us these too:
which weboptions -all
which datastore -all
which readall -all
Chun Siong Soon
Chun Siong Soon on 2 Sep 2021
I'm facing a similar problem. There are various manifestations, but eml_XXX errors keep popping up.
Matlab is no longer useable for me. I completely reinstalled a newer version and it happened again.
Even basic commands like tic, help, pwd leads to errors. here are some snippets:
>> help fullfile
Warning: The following error was caught while executing '' class destructor:
Error using char (line 16)
For code generation, cell array inputs to 'char' are not supported.
Error in (line 11)
dualCommand = char(join([command, varargin], " "));
Error in (line 11)
searchMessage = getString(message('MATLAB:helpUtils:displayHelp:SearchMessageWithLinks',
erase('docsearch', hp.topic), '"')));
Error in (line 102)
Error in help (line 73)
> In help (line 73)
Warning: The following error was caught while executing '' class destructor:
Error using char (line 16)
For code generation, cell array inputs to 'char' are not supported.
Error in (line 11)
dualCommand = char(join([command, varargin], " "));
Error in (line 11)
searchMessage = getString(message('MATLAB:helpUtils:displayHelp:SearchMessageWithLinks',
erase('docsearch', hp.topic), '"')));
Error in (line 102)
Error in help (line 73)
> In help (line 73)

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