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How can I turn initial value of chaos system to key for encryption algorithm?

1 view (last 30 days)
I used chaos system for encryption with `(1.00001,3.26,22)` as initial value. I want to use these numbers as key for encryption algorithm.
- Should I turn my number to `(0100001 0326000 2200000)` (normalizing) and turn them to binary? or turn them separately to binary`(1.00001)(3.26)(22)`?
- Is there any function in matlab to convert double to binary like (str2bin)?
Actually i want to Specify how many bits are required for the key?
ES on 15 Oct 2013
Edited: ES on 15 Oct 2013
input of dec2bin must be a non-negative integer. if float to binary conversion is your problem, then write a logic to do the conversion.
However, for chaos generated encryption, logically should support ral x and not just binary x.
that is Xn+1=P*Xn*(1-Xn-1) and all X belong to the Real World.
All of Bifurcation Coefficient, Chaos Input, Chaos Output belong to the Real World if I am right.

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 Oct 2013
Your posted question involves strings, not binary values.
There are multiple competing "standards" on converting double to binary. You need to define the representation you are looking for.


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