Doug Hull
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Formerly known as MATLABDoug during my 15 year tenure at MathWorks. Now I live in Vegas, write poker books and relieve tourists of their poker money.
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29 Questions
287 Answers
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How do I comment out a large block of code in MATLAB?
To comment out a large block of code in the Editor or Live Editor, select the code and on the "Editor" or "Live Editor" tab, cli...
1 year ago | 66
| accepted
Is this a valid Tic Tac Toe State?
For the game of <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tic-tac-toe Tic Tac Toe> we will be storing the state of the game in a matrix M. ...
7 years ago | 5 | 120 solvers
Is this is a Tic Tac Toe X Win?
For the game of <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tic-tac-toe Tic Tac Toe> we will be storing the state of the game in a matrix M. ...
7 years ago | 2 | 513 solvers
Puzzler: Supporting files
Supporting files for a July 2009 puzzler from http://blog.mathworks.com/videos
8 years ago | 1 download |

Makes colormaps that smoothly blend from one color to another to optionally a third.
8 years ago | 4 downloads |

Video: GUIDE Advanced Techniques
Advanced techniques in GUI building with GUIDE. Techniques include: multi-window GUIs, application.
8 years ago | 3 downloads |

Video: GUIDE Basics Tutorial
Five minute video about building GUIs in MATLAB.
8 years ago | 2 downloads |

Movable, stretchable zoom box in parent axes controls axes limits in all children axes.
8 years ago | 1 download |

Three-dimensional reconstruction from planar slices.
Solid object reconstructed from slice images in parallel planes.
8 years ago | 4 downloads |

I have plotted two equations. How to get their intersection point?.......Thanks
The cheap way to do this is to plot both and zoom in. ezplot('(x-5)^2+(y-3)^2=4'); hold on ezplot('y-x^2+2.5*x=0'); ...
9 years ago | 0
Integrating C++ into MATLAB
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/mex.html MEX examples from the MATLAB documentation>
10 years ago | 4
Using the legend in a plot leads to errors in displaying them
I think something is amiss on your path. I suspect Legend has been overwritten by a different function that is for some reason ...
10 years ago | 0
| accepted
Alternative to contour plot: pixel plot?
This looks like it can be done with the command <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/image.html "Image">
10 years ago | 0
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legend entry callbacks in 2014b
Short answer: No. http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/graphics_transition/why-are-colorbars-and-legends-not-valid-axes-handl...
10 years ago | 0
Legend line spacing in R2014b
Here are a variety of changes to legend: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/graphics_transition/why-are-colorbars-and-lege...
10 years ago | 0
Create part of Handles variable
Please don't do this: See this FAQ. http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/143-how-do-i-make-a-series-of-variables...
10 years ago | 0
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Problem Running any GUI
In the third way, you shoulr right click to "open in GUIDE" or run the .M file. The .Fig files of a GUIDE file are not really m...
10 years ago | 0
Annoying behavior saving eps figures in MATLAB 2014
Please send the specifics of your case, code and old and new outputs, to www.mathworks.com/support Without more details, it i...
10 years ago | 0
barh with colored bars: differences between 2012b and 2014b
The Bar properties of Children is no longer available. This is along the lines of what you want to accomplish: bar([1 na...
10 years ago | 1
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help I need matlab code for build avector, initially this vector don't have any value but I have a loop do something and in every run this value save a value with different length according to value that a loop represent
v = [] for i = 1:4 v(end+1) = i*11 end
10 years ago | 0
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2014b axis label errors when printing to postscript
This is under investigation by our developers. We have found there is a gap, the size of which is dependent on the length of ...
10 years ago | 1
Stacking order of figures
Maybe I am misunderstanding the question: close all for ni = 1:3 figure plot(rand(7)) drawnow en...
10 years ago | 0
axis in a semilogx
Just add xlim([1 128000]) <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/21263/loggy.jpg>>
10 years ago | 0
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Cannot set the tick mark direction as default
From our development staff: set(groot, 'defaultAxesTickDir', 'out'); set(groot, 'defaultAxesTickDirMode', 'manual'); ...
10 years ago | 1
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Patch performance with caxis?
Mike Garrity showed me this example earlier with respect to patch: >> 2.4814 frames per second >> 20.6223 frames per secon...
10 years ago | 1
| accepted
point of intersection of a circle and binary image
I have an ugly solution that might be what you want: * run EDGE on the binary image. You now have a binary image with the ...
10 years ago | 0
how do i assign a color to the same type of shape
If you make this a binary image, you can run it through regionprops. There are a variety of metrics in there that should be use...
10 years ago | 0
How do I prevent LineWidth property from affecting line start and end point on plot?
There is not currently a way to turn of the endcaps on the lines. Maybe you could use less wide lines, or put markers over th...
10 years ago | 0
Problem with 'Patch' graphics in 2014b - Splits in two along diagonal
The file we are creating in MATLAB is correct and what you are seeing is a bug in Adobe Reader, refer to Stata’s description of ...
10 years ago | 1