how can I perform interpolation between images

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Hi, I have a set of 180 ultrasound images. I would like to apply linear interpolation between them to reduce the noise. Any help how I can do that? I appreciate ur help. Thank you, Yazan

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 22 Oct 2013
Interpolation? How would that reduce noise? Maybe you mean regression. But how many output images do you want from this set of 180 images?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Oct 2013
Well obviously you did the sum incorrectly. Did you cast to double before you added them? Otherwise it will clip at 255, then when you divide by 180 you'll get 0. Or check Alex's suggestion - Prof Milanfar is a really bright guy with some clever algorithms that are very effective..
Yazan Awwad
Yazan Awwad on 23 Oct 2013
I just did what u said, I casted to double and then did the sum and division by 180. It seems to be working but the output image is too blurry where in the original frames the shape of the eraser was brighter( I uploaded some samples of the frames and the output result). I was wondering if there is away to figure out what would be in the black area after translation (see Translated frame_180 with respect to frame_1.png as an example). please give me some suggestion how i could obtain a clearer output image of the 180 frames. I will take a look at what Alex's suggested. Thank you

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More Answers (1)

Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor on 22 Oct 2013
This family of algorithms is known as super resolution. I suggest you review the literature. For example:

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