Two translational ports on a Mass block in SimScape

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Hi, I am trying to build a 6 DOF(mass-spring-damper) model in SimScape. The mass block in it has only one translational port. How do you connect another spring-damper to the other side of the mass block? Or is there any other way to build this model? Thanks in advance.
  1 Comment
Mohmmad on 12 Aug 2014
Hi, could you be able to solve this problem? Can you help me please on this problem. i have the same problem with mass and spring and damper. If you give me a screen shot of your model then i can figure it out
Thank you

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Answers (1)

Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 22 Jun 2011
Do you mean like this?
Kaustubh Surdi
Kaustubh Surdi on 23 Jun 2011
Hi Arnaud,
Thanks for the response. Please take a look at the link below. The model on it is what I am trying to build in Simscape.
But from your answer, it looks like I won't be able to create that in Simscape. I will try to learn SimMechanics and see if I can build it there..
Any suggestions on that?
Thanks again.
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 28 Jun 2011
This is a standard 1D mechanical system and is perfectly well suited to Simscape. Use a similar approach to the screenshot I included in my answer. You don't need SimMechanics for this.

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