
Toon Weyens


Last seen: 3 years ago Active since 2021

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Passionate about mathematics, science, technology and shaping the future. Trained as a Ph.D. in applied physics, followed by two years of research in nuclear fusion as the energy source of the future at the ITER Organization through the Monaco postdoctoral fellowship. Well-versed in computer science with extensive experience in Fortran, python, Matlab, HPC parallel computing, git, vim, scientific visualization, among others. Enjoys mathematical excursions in domains such as partial differential equations, statistics, linear algebra, graph theory, neural networks. Very inquisitive and analytical. Loves dogs. Driven by the AI revolution. Especially interested in Bayesian Machine Learning, a thoroughly enjoyable union of mathematical rigor and machine learning superpowers.


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How do read .npy files in matlab?
If you have access to Python, the easiest thing would be to create a Python script such as the one below, and run that. It will ...

4 years ago | 10