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How to plot a 3D cube or a horizontal slice from the following 3D data?
Alright let's write an actual answer with isocaps and patch then, the suggestion to use scatter3 in the comment above is valid b...
12 months ago | 0
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Indexing array by 2 variables in a for loop
You need to select each participant for each period, then doing a ttest on only those 51(*2 data matrices possibly) datapoints, ...
1 year ago | 0
Find the eigenvalue of the matrix R and store it to the variable E
R=[1 2 1; 2 3 4; 4 3 2]; R1 =[8;20;16]; r = rank(R) X = linsolve(R,R1) E = eig(R)
1 year ago | 0
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Band-Pass Filter butter problem
Something something Nyquist frequency.... If you provide the missing data to your example you could get a better answer f_st...
1 year ago | 0
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How do i find x from given y that is closest to my peak or at x=0?
I'm assuming you just have the data points of the line and not the function otherwise the question would be answered with the mo...
1 year ago | 0
rotate/translate/zoom the two simultaneously generated figures within subplot
You mean with the figure utilities after plotting beetween subplots? You can use linkaxes (or linkprop for a specific property) ...
1 year ago | 2
Issue with plotting two figures using for-loop method
Do you just mean that the second figure is half as high because you did subplot(2, 4,...) in the second part instead of subplot(...
1 year ago | 1
Clearing the last plotted image in a for loop.
The function provided does not work out of the box (and you haven't boxed it in code format anyway) so you have more than the is...
1 year ago | 0
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extract all rows of a matrix except 'r' (vector) rows
mat = magic(8) r_not = [1 3:5 8]; mat(r_not,:) = [] %use mat_o = mat; to keep the original mat; There are some issues with ...
1 year ago | 1
Matrix to Scalar Problem
Use a dot "." before an element-wise operation, that is also to multiply, divide, raise etc a scalar value to each of the elemen...
1 year ago | 0
I run this but its given me issues. Can someone assist
I assume that the copy and paste of your code did not go well... but then you should've fixed it before posting. Even after fix...
1 year ago | 1
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There is anyway that I can plot a graph like this in MatLab with standard deviation ?
n = 15; x = randn(n,1); y = randn(n,1); sx = std(x); sy = std(y); %maybe non-randn data will have smaller std lregsrts = regst...
1 year ago | 0
I have a MATLab invalid expression when calling variables.
What would be the error? I can already see some errors in the OPF (I'm guessing the mistake would be using semicolons ";" inst...
1 year ago | 0
Matlab outer file function
Invalid use of operator "." You can't tell a function to make an output a struct (since that might break things, you can only a...
1 year ago | 1
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Correlation and regression between matrixes with NaN values
I see, "array1" has some islands of values in a sea of NaNs. ar1 = load(websave('rd', "https://nl.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/a...
1 year ago | 2
How can I reduce the number of digits in the colorbar?
You likely need something like this. surf(1+peaks*0.00001) %obvs this is a quick and bad example, it'd have helped to have the ...
1 year ago | 0
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What is the difference between the userpath and the startup folder?
They are different. Matlab starts in the startup folder, the initial working folder, it's displayed on the "Current Folder" pane...
1 year ago | 0
how can I run function in file exchange
You're right, that sauvola.m that you linked has only 45 lines (but there's no actual end that terminates the function definitio...
1 year ago | 0
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How to select, or filter, the external border/boundary in a set of (x,y)-points?
ismember As in borders = load(websave('rd', "https://nl.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1430803/borders.ma...
1 year ago | 1
Plot a mean of ten lines of different resolution
I see, this is overly complicated. Not as in complex or difficult, as in made needlessly overly complicated. Let's just say you...
1 year ago | 0
FFT from a excel file
Well, make sure that the data contained in channel1Data2 is numeric (double, single, int8, etc..). From the question title it ...
1 year ago | 0
How to check whether partial correlation is significant or not at 5% significance level?
A partial correlation means you are controlling or "partialing out" some variance that is explained by -usually- another (3rd) v...
2 years ago | 0
How To multiply this Formula to run this code Please
The fact that there is the need for a loop for these operations, that b is not simply obtained with b=-T.*h, that [ones(1,i-1), ...
2 years ago | 0
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How to plot Confusion Matrix with tolerence limit ?
So you just want to translate the pseudo code above into working code and choose how to best plot it. The pseudo code probably d...
2 years ago | 0
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I can't run the code I wrote the way I want. Please help me
By "I cannot change the K value at every T value" I imagine you need K to change for every iteration and therefore have sitll 6 ...
2 years ago | 0
How shall I resolve the warning of Merging of Pdfs?
Nice little utility (and overall apache pdfbox functionality), I just tried it, it worked and it didn't even give me an error (b...
2 years ago | 0
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Concatenate two vectors with different dimensions and sort the result in an ascending order.
vertcat(A,B) or cat(1,A,B) or just [A;B] is what you need to concatenate vertically. then just sort Your code however gives the...
2 years ago | 1
How can I get latitude and longitude range for each US state in MATLAB?
With: states = shaperead('usastatelo'); one for example gets 'BoundingBox', 'X', 'Y' among others for each US state states(is...
2 years ago | 0
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How do I create a colored intensity plot from location and intensity values
Could imagesc work? sysize = 100; maxintensity = 20; npoints = 13; coords = randi(sysize,[npoints,2]); imatc = nan(sysize); ...
2 years ago | 1
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Problem with array and save file?
Do you need a 3D cell and then rehsape it or can you create it like the 2D table you want already? videosn = ["Searching for Bo...
2 years ago | 0
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