
Yoav Livneh

Semi-Conductor Devices

Active since 2011

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how to make a function that calculate consective difference of elements of a vector
If you insisnt on using for loops you just need to change the limit of the for loop to length(v)-1 and of course add ...

9 years ago | 0

How can I get the value of toggle button (uicontrol)
You need to set a callback function for the button if you want something to happen when it is pressed. For example: % set c...

9 years ago | 1

| accepted

What does Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch mean? I keep getting the same error?
The error means that the destination is not the same dimension as the source. In this case, you are trying to write an 8x8 matri...

9 years ago | 0

How to save data of UITABLE in Workspace
I think you are using uitable wrong. Look at the documentation for this function but I believe it should be something like this:...

9 years ago | 0

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Writing data in file and naming file with a string value
Change your fopen line to: fileID = fopen(['error_', num2str(n), '.txt'],'a');

9 years ago | 0

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How do i create a loop that accesses more than one matrix?
Maybe try something like this for jj = 1:size(X,1) % match 1st column of X to 1st column in Y idx = find(X(jj,1) ...

9 years ago | 0

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Get string value from GUI listbox
Change the condition on your if to if strcmp(ListBoxCheck, 'Afghanistan') Hopefully this should now work.

9 years ago | 0

Loading in to the POPUP menu of GUI
You need to save and load the "Value" property of the popup menu. For example, taking Geoff Hayes's case: % get the value f...

9 years ago | 0

adjusting label and title thickness of the plot function
Just use the 'fontsize' attribute of the axes: set(gca,'fontsize',fontsize); % default fontsize is 10

10 years ago | 0

How to sum the fuel consumed at idle (vehicle speed=0)?
In order to get all indeces of speed=0 you need to do: IdleFuelIndex = find(VSPD == 0); Then you can add them all up: ...

10 years ago | 0

Advanced Plotting of graphs
You can use the plotyy command to plot two y axes with the same x axis. For example: [AX, H1, H2] = plotyy(s,v,s,t); Thi...

10 years ago | 0

drawing specific histogram for errors.
You can use the hist command. For example for the parameter DS: [n xout] = hist(DS,100); 100 is an arbitrary number of bins ...

10 years ago | 0

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how can i insert markers and merge four graphs in one?
In order to change the markers you can change the 'marker' attribute on the line series. For example: [AX, H1, H2] = plotyy(...

10 years ago | 0

How to create a column vector where each element will be compounded amount by percentage of another vactor?
You need to use the function cumprod. In your example: x = [.2 .3 .4]'; z = 1000*[1; cumprod(1+x)]; This will give you ...

10 years ago | 0

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How to create a matrix for plotting from a roots matrix in a loop?
You can store the data into a vector: results = []; while (condition) code; r = roots(x); results(en...

10 years ago | 0

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Parameters imported using assignin not visible to parfor
I am runnig a function that uses a structure with many fields as an input. I use assignin to import all the fields as variables ...

10 years ago | 1 answer | 0




How to password protect mat files
Hi all. I am looking for a way to password protect a .mat file. My requirements are that it cannot be changed or deleted with...

11 years ago | 2 answers | 0




Idle labs on Parallel Computing Toolbox
I use a network server that is shared with other users in the company to perform heavy calculations with Matlab. My question ...

12 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Tutorial on how to make a colourful GUI in matlab ?
doc guide

12 years ago | 0

Out of memory in parfor loop
You are running out of memory because parfor uses a lot more memory. Let's say for example, that each iteration of the regula...

12 years ago | 0

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adding values in array
If idx1 and idx2 are row vectors you can do idx3 = [idx1 idx2]; If they are column vectors do idx3 = [idx1; idx2];

13 years ago | 0

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list all subfolder names
Each time you save the parameter in a new .mat file, save that parameter to a new cell in a cell array. Then you can use a uitab...

13 years ago | 0

how to correctly skip elements of a vector field table with 4 columns
Use this: ix=mod(V(:,1),2)==0 & mod(V(:,2),2)==0; V_SKIP = V(ix,:);

13 years ago | 1

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Plotting a cell array with double values
Use testArray = [testArray{:}]; This will transform testArray into a regular array which you can plot using plot(te...

13 years ago | 2

how do you use sin in matlab?
Use sin(30).

13 years ago | 0

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matrix indexing and manipulation
You can use ind2sub. [rowIndex, colIndex] = ind2sub(size(Z),Index); I think this should work.

13 years ago | 0

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how to get a 3D stem plot?
Try < |stem3|>.

13 years ago | 4

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How to access GUI workspace?
CLEAR only clears the current workspace, which is usually 'base'. Your GUI is run from a separate function which has its own wor...

13 years ago | 0

define function which uses handles.variables
It is better to send all your 23 variables as one struct, both in terms of neater code and the time and memory it takes to alloc...

13 years ago | 1

Plotting a graph to show correlation of voltage over current
R=10; V = 0:2.5:Vmax; I = V/R; figure; plot(I,V) Type doc plot for more information.

13 years ago | 0

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