Adam Danz
Software engineer at MathWorks with a Ph.D. in neurophysiology from the University of Rochester (NY). Specialized in visual and vestibular systems, multisensory integration, sensory-motor and control systems, steering, and navigation. Former member of the MathWorks Community Advisory Board. *My community contributions before 14-Feb-2022 were prior to my employment at MathWorks.
28 Files
Cody0 Problems
34 Solutions
21 Posts
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of 296,984
10 Questions
3,714 Answers
1,474 of 20,417
28 Files
21 Posts
0 Public Channels
30 Highlights
Appdesigner: updating the value of Text area
See drawnow function StartButtonPushed(app, event) app.val = app.PromptTextArea.Value; app.StartButton.Enable = "of...
3 days ago | 0
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Replacement for undocumented function feature('setround')
> Is there a documented MATLAB replacement for the undocumented function feature(‘setround’)? There currently is not a document...
7 days ago | 0
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Alias blanks in the cell array as a string.
As the OP found, the solution is to include multiple delimiters strsplit(t,'\t', 'CollapseDelimiters',false) And as others hav...
13 days ago | 1
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Group Data for one Legend in Figure of Multiple SubPlots
Here are the key concepts to achieve this Use tiledlayout instead of subplot. Tiledlayout does a much better job at hosting gl...
14 days ago | 1
How to read numeric data with different number of columns
Is this what you are looking for? file = "data.txt"; t = readtable(file, 'ReadRowNames',true,"Delimiter",'\t') The data file...
16 days ago | 0
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Understand values differences between smooth and smoothdata functions
> Is there a difference in window calculation between smooth and smoothdata for 'lowess' method These two functions compute the...
16 days ago | 1
Unable to see uifigure object properties
Let's see if I understand your workflow. Please correct me if this summary is incorrect. rbBar and rbLine are defined in a fun...
20 days ago | 0
Remove NaNs from uitable Matlab App
Can a UITable show missing values or NaNs as empty? Currently there is not an option to show missing or NaN values as empty in ...
22 days ago | 1
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how to add geoplot scatter plot custom icon overlays?
If you're using MATLAB R2024b or later and have the Mapping Toolbox, use the new geoiconchart. lat = [37.7749, 34.0522, 40.7128...
29 days ago | 2
How to rotate rectangular with a an angle?
MATLAB's polyshape has a rotate function that makes this fairly easy. Instead of the [left, bottom, width, height] input used i...
1 month ago | 1
Superscripts and subscripts in fprintf
Not all letters have unicode subscripts but m, a, and x do, so you're in luck. x = 2; fprintf(1,'Maximum value of N is N%c%c%...
2 months ago | 0
how to halt a for loop in an external function called from mlapp by using a stop button in the mlap app
> Do I need to pass in app.stopFlag as an argument with the function when I call it, I thought that making app.stopFlag public w...
2 months ago | 0
Zoom of image on UIAxes seems to have one axis bound
Try setting the DataAspectRatio to [1 1 1] using axis(uiax,'equal'). If that doesn't fix the issue, it would help to share a ...
2 months ago | 0
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How to disable or delete cameratoolbar context menu
This stumped me for a bit but I've found a potential workaround. I'll also make a note of this issue for discussion. Workaroun...
2 months ago | 0
Why is bootci giving different interval than prctile?
You're using two different alpha values. When you call bootci, you specify alpha as 0.05 or 5%. When you call prctile, you'...
2 months ago | 1
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What are All of the Variables in the Workspace on Answers?
Fixed! Thanks for reporting it. myvar = 5; whos
2 months ago | 2
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Copy/Paste from ListBox at runtime
Add a right-click "copy" option to ListBox Create a context menu for the list box and set its MenuSelectedFcn to use clipboard...
2 months ago | 1
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Automatic line selection bug
Ensure that your mouse button isn't stuck. I haven't seen this issue but if it continues to occur after closing and reopening M...
3 months ago | 0
Cannot Open any MLAPP with axes
This appears to be the same issue as in the thread Saurabh mentioned. If you want to try to fix this yourself I suggest you cre...
3 months ago | 1
Where can I get a matlab coffee cup?
Check out the new MathWorks Merch Shop: https://mathworksmerch.com/ Announcement: https://blogs.mathworks.com/community/2024/11...
3 months ago | 4
when I move the plot, the text is not displayed outside the plot itself
When you create the text labels, set clipping to on. text(___,'Clipping','on')
3 months ago | 0
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Is there any way to add a set of random punctual z values labels inside the plot using a contourf x, y, z command?
Add a set of random z value labels inside a contourf plot This demo shows the following. Define x (vector), y (vector), and z...
3 months ago | 0
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Serial: Real-time plotting and storaging streaming data from Arduino slowing down badly over time
Calling plot(__) with hold on in a loop is inefficient. Every time new points are added to the axes, new line objects are creat...
3 months ago | 0
Violin plot has tails that go beyond real data
The important concept to understand is that violin plots show a visual estimate of the data’s distribution beyond the observed v...
4 months ago | 0
How to creat grouped violin plot?
MATLAB R2024b introduces a new violinplot with a grouping option. data = random(makedist('Weibull'),1000,8); xgroup = catego...
4 months ago | 0
how to do violin plot in matlab
MATLAB now has a violinplot, introduced in R2024b. See also swarmchart tiledlayout(3,1) violinplot(nexttile,rand(20,3).*[.8 ...
4 months ago | 0
How to create an external plot in live editor?
f = figure(); plot(magic(5)) f.Visible = 'on'; % This sets the external figure visibility to on alternatively, use uifigure...
4 months ago | 0
Specify "plot box" position for tiled layout
> How can I set the postion of the "plot box" that is made up from the three tiled plots? The position property for axes in a T...
4 months ago | 0
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multiple 3D plane plotting
Starting in R2024b, you can use the constantplane function to generate planes based on their vector normals. Using Matt J's demo...
4 months ago | 1
how to draw a plane?
Starting in MATLAB R2024b, you can use constantplane to create a 2D plane in 3D axes. However, unlike surfaces and patches, the...
4 months ago | 0