Jonathan Epperl
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Professional Interests: Control Theory, Dynamical Systems, Thermoacoustics
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" requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way"
Gave it another try, this time with Matlab 2013b and Virtu MVP Pro Core: (The newest version at the moment)... ...
10 years ago | 0
Copying option structs by value instead of reference
Here is an example using |bodeoptions|, but this is probably a much more basic problem: % Create a struct with default valu...
10 years ago | 2 answers | 2
answersMulti-dimensional State-Space model in Simulink
If you have the state-space description of you 3 |x| 3 system, why don't you just enter it into the parameters of the state-spac...
11 years ago | 0
Subplot titiles in one command
Collect your titles in a cell array: titles = {'One','two','three'; 'Eins', 'Zwei', 'Drei'; 'Ichi', 'ni', 'san'} or what...
12 years ago | 2
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How to add figure title and axes labels for multiple plots?
Whatever you want to have on every axis, just move it inside the |for| loop, like so % if true % what is the point of this...
12 years ago | 2
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ODE for system of non linear, second order differential equations
I'm not entirely sure I understand your notation, but assuming by |dx5| you mean the first derivative of |x5|, and by |ddx5| you...
12 years ago | 0
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Problem with the product of complex numbers
Probably |simplify(Zeq)| will do that.
12 years ago | 0
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How to establish all possible combinations of 4 variables out of 6 ?
Sounds like you are looking for |nchoosek|: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/nchoosek.html>
12 years ago | 0
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changing the axis of a plot in a way that the data series starts at x=0 at a point at one point on the y-axis and ends on the right end of the plot
This is still not a working example, the variable |VIXdate| is obviously unknown to us... So the dirty way again: ytix =...
12 years ago | 0
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How to look at the source code for MATLAB's built-in sort function?
If the source code is available, then edit sort will do the job. I can't check right now, but you go ahead and try tha...
12 years ago | 6
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changing the axis of a plot in a way that the data series starts at x=0 at a point at one point on the y-axis and ends on the right end of the plot
axis tight
12 years ago | 0
Evaluate a function in a grid
Does that code run for you? I'm sure it doesn't, you should have mentioned that, along with the error messages... Anyway, the...
12 years ago | 0
how to zoom in on specific overlapped data points and keepin the others ones inside the grid range
Okay, either you're not explaining well, or the solution is very simple: If the data doesn't have the same dimension, then make ...
12 years ago | 0
How to plot node numbers using matrix of nodes's coordinates?
And |text()| doesn't give you the results you'd like? E.g. k = 1:30; [B,XY] = bucky; gplot(B(k,k),XY(k,:),'-o') axis squ...
12 years ago | 1
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removing blackness in ribbon plot
The black regions you are seeing are the gridlines along the 678 rows of your matrix. My suggestions: Save the handles to the...
12 years ago | 1
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Exporting matrix into an Excel file
From the documentation on |xlswrite|: _A — Data to write matrix | cell array_ _Data to write, specified as a two-dimension...
12 years ago | 0
Plot 2 arrays in matlab?
You need to sort you |a| array, then permute |b| the same way. Concretely: help sort % Then you'll understand why: [a...
12 years ago | 1
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Grouping Plot and Fill in Same legend object
Okay, I hope, this helps you: % -- generate some dummy data t = linspace(0,1); s1 = sin(5*t); s2 = 3-cos(5*t); s3 = s1....
12 years ago | 2
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What is a function that takes the diagonal of a matrix (N) and converts the diagonal to all zeros.
Assuming |m| is square (because else you'd have to define the diagonal for me): diagzero = @(m) m - diag(diag(m));
12 years ago | 0
Text in 3D plot
How about adding a few whitespaces to your string, like so: text(x1(i,1),y1(i,1),z1(i,1),[' ' ... num2str(time(i,1))],'H...
12 years ago | 0
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How to plot this 3d graph?
Plot the whole graph with |mesh| or |surf|, then |hold on|, then use |plot3| to plot the lines you'd like to emphasize: x ...
12 years ago | 0
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Anonymous functions not acting as they should?
I think the mistake happens here: fmacexp=@(x,n) macexp(n)+((x^n)/factorial(n)); The value of |macexp| is now "hardwired...
12 years ago | 1
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best way to include mesh plot in latex
Here's what I do: I export the figure with |export_fig| ( <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/23629-exportfig>...
12 years ago | 0
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Output a square wave with tuneable frequency and phase delay
Showing us some of your prior attempts would certainly help, since we then could avoid suggesting stuff you already tried. An...
12 years ago | 0
Making a magic square matrix singular
The row-sum, column-sum and diag-sum of a magic square are all the same, and the magic square uses all the integeres |1:n^2|. Th...
12 years ago | 2
Why doesn't "solve" work on my MLab(student)
Because your version of Matlab does not include the Symbolic Math Toolbox. ver and you'll be shown all installed toolbo...
12 years ago | 0
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Taking a derivative of a function and plotting it over a specified length
Are you assigning the variable |x| before you call |syms x|? Probably, and that's probably the problem. If you really want fu...
12 years ago | 0
Add world map background to contour plot
I hope you're still interested in an answer to this question, here's what I can offer: lon = 30:2.5:150; lat = 55:-2.5:-5;...
12 years ago | 1
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how to remove from all fields in the same position of a struct?
What you did should work, my only idea about a possible error: are your |samples| "fat" or "tall"? If they are fat, i.e. |n| col...
12 years ago | 0