Problems with readtable within parfor on R2018b for Win 64
Try using READTABLE with the 'UseExcel',false parameter. (This might also be 'Basic',true in older releases.)

4 years ago | 0

First colum of CSV-imported table has "x___" added to its name
The file probably has a Byte Order Mark in the beginning. If you read the raw bytes using fopen/fread you can see the mark at ...

4 years ago | 2

How can I increase the speed of this loop?
It's hard to say without looking at the contents of the file's you're reading. You're overriding n in the for loop with n as th...

4 years ago | 0

| accepted

textscan with formatted input data
This should be able to read this without much issue. opts = detectImportOptions(filename) T = readtable(filename,opts)

4 years ago | 0

How to read specific numbers (colums) of a csv file
I'd do this: opts = detectImportOptions(filename); opts.SelectedVariableNames = opts.VariableNames([3 4]); T = readtable(file...

4 years ago | 0

Read a very large .csv file, split into parts and save each part into a smaller .csv file
If your plan is to write all the small CSV files out, and do nothing with them in MATLAB, I'd say just use tabularTextDatastore,...

4 years ago | 1

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Read a specified list of images given the filename and the directory the files are in
Datastores are convenient for reading collections of files. imds = imageDatastore(directory) imshow(read(imds)) Each time you...

4 years ago | 0

Readtable for a huge (no good schema) CSV file!
opts = detectImportOptions(FileName,'Delimiter',';','NumHeaderLines',18) T = readtable(FileName,opts)

4 years ago | 0

readtable not understood behaviour
A simpler way to do this would be: lines = splitlines(fileread(filename))

4 years ago | 0

Readtable from i-th row to last row
Try this opts = detectImportOptions(filename,'NumHeaderLines',6) T = readtable(filename,opts)

4 years ago | 3

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Readtable() confused by quotation marks? Matlab 2019a
opts = detectImportOptions('myfile.txt','FileType','text','Delimiter','|') T = readtable('myfile.txt',opts)

4 years ago | 0

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How to read in a non-standard formated CSV file containing times and measurments and change the output format?
You could do this with textscan fid = fopen(file); vars = textscan(fid,'TIM%f%fABC%fDEF%fGHI%f','Delimiter',{','},'Whitespace'...

4 years ago | 0

readData() function error message when using mapreduce
ds.TextscanFormats{15} = '%q' That will at least get you past the one line that's causing the problem here. For a more robust a...

4 years ago | 0

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Why writetable() adds ' 'true ' table element as ''table?
I think this is a case where using strings would make things more clear. In MATLAB, if I create a char vector and put a single-...

4 years ago | 0

Set union of Datastores with TransformedDatastores
Horizontal (i.e. associated reads) ----------- cds = combine(imds,otherds); Vertical (i.e. joining two sets of files into o...

4 years ago | 1

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MATLAB 2018a readtable VariableNamesLine bug
What is the result if you pass ReadVariableNames into the function? T = readtable(fullFileName, opts, 'ReadVariableNames', true...

5 years ago | 1

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Matlab Compiler not updating text file
There may be another text file with the same name on your path. Try, which -all <filename>.

5 years ago | 0

problem reading with format
The leading spaces are not being counted toward the width of the fields as you're expecting. - will read at most n charac...

5 years ago | 0

Loading/Reading .log File
Try this: data = readtable('omar_timing_test_MG125_Block_1.log','FileType','text') Jeremy

5 years ago | 2

Windows .NET Framework Update Breaks READTABLE()
Try, readtable(filename,'Basic',true) % or UseExcel false in a more recent release.

5 years ago | 0

WRITETABLE to spreadhseet mysterious failure
"=$0.00" This is probably the culprit. The writetable function has two modes: 'UseExcel' = true/false. If you're using Excel®,...

5 years ago | 1

Transpose/combine several variables using csvwrite or writematrix
The function writematrix is available in R2019a.

5 years ago | 0

import large csv file
The issue with 22 digits of precision in DECIMAL is that MATLAB's default number type is DOUBLE which really can only handle aro...

5 years ago | 0

Effective way to extract rows (range) from a text file
Readling line by line is quite ineffecient. Try this: C = textscan(fid,'%f','delimiter','\n', 'headerlines',182);

5 years ago | 0

How to convert xlswrite to writematrix?
XLSWRITE can write either a matrix (e.g. [ 1 2 4;5 7 8] or a cell {'a' 'b';'c' 'd'}) If your input is a cell, use WRITECELL. ...

5 years ago | 0

Importing a Large CSV in chunks and getting Data Range Invalid
I'd reccomend using tabularTextDatastore for this case. It will try to automatically detect formats and handle the reading of se...

5 years ago | 0

Extracting Unknown Amount of Columns from Excel Data
I recommend using READMATRIX if you have access to R2019a, or READTABLE for earlier releases. A = readmatrix(filename) Once yo...

5 years ago | 0

Reading a csv file
It's hard to say without know what you'll be doing with the data, but I'd reccomend using the table directly unless you need a d...

5 years ago | 0

How to use fread to read little endian data?
The control of byte order is on the creation of the file identifier.

5 years ago | 0

I have an array of date time values. How do I separate Date and time and enter it in separate columns in excel?
Assuming you have a datetime array called DateAndTime which is a column vector: Date = dateshift(DateAndTime,'start','day') Ti...

5 years ago | 0

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