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Average distance between nearest neighbors of grain boundaries
Hi @Prince To calculate the average distance from one grain boundary to its nearest grain boundaries, you can follow these gene...
3 days ago | 0
I want to open figure only when user dialog of mask is open
Hi @Bernhard To address your issues with the dialog and figure management in Simulink, consider the following two resources tha...
4 days ago | 0
App Designer: Interactive UIaxes
Hi @Jason Dennis Creating an interactive GUI in MATLAB's App Designer where users can click and drag elements like a square wav...
4 days ago | 0
"size of predictions and target values must match" when using custom loop training for multi-input and multi-output
Hi @Van Vy To resolve the error "size of predictions and target values must match" in a deep learning model with two inputs and...
5 days ago | 0
why do i get error using * ?
Hi @Adilah Ahmed The error you are experiencing is due to the incorrect application of the element-wise multiplication operator...
5 days ago | 0
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Why is Documentation Missing When Installed Locally?
Hi @Paul Please refer to the following MathWorks documentation for instructions on installing the documentation locally. http...
6 days ago | 0
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How to debug CustomPythonModelBlock in Simulink?
Hi @Jinming The error message you are encountering is a RuntimeError from Python, specifically related to tensor operations in ...
9 days ago | 0
Load ML trained model objects in Simulink data dictionary
Hi @Davide Galli You can import trained machine learning models into a Simulink data dictionary and utilize them with the “Pred...
12 days ago | 0
Resizing Axis in App Designer Leaves 2nd image in GUI display
Hi @Dr W Kurt When working with MATLAB App Designer, you might encounter some unexpected behaviour when resizing and reposition...
12 days ago | 0
Negative D2 score on training data after lassoglm fit
Hi @T0m07 The negative (d^2) value indicates that the full model's deviance is unexpectedly higher than the null model's. Kindl...
13 days ago | 0
Problem with segment anything model
Hi @Anthony It looks like you are facing a problem where MATLAB is not detecting the installed “Computer Vision Toolbox”, even ...
14 days ago | 0
Integration symbiolic form in matlab gives error
Hi @Anal The error in your MATLAB script likely arises from the way you are using the “whittakerW” function and the “quad2d” fu...
1 month ago | 0
Why no data transfer between c++ and MATLAB Workspace?
Hello @Kreilinger These steps and tips can help you troubleshoot and ensure that variables are visible in the MATLAB workspace:...
1 month ago | 0
How to fix the position of graphs in app designer using MATLAB
Hi @Vaibhavi Pallavaneni When you create an app with programmatically defined UI components, like “uiaxes”, the component posit...
1 month ago | 0
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Deep Network Designer for time series forecasting
Hi @Nestoras Papadopoulos To modify the chickenpox example for a multi-input, single-output time series prediction task, you mu...
1 month ago | 0
Pedestrian Detection using Lidar point cloud which is self labelled using lidar labeller app and is in my workspace
Hi @gaurav Given the properties of your “gTruth” object, you have a ground truth dataset with labels specified for pedestrians....
1 month ago | 0
App Designer-Change the background color of a cell of a table
Hi @PanPan You can use the “CellEditCallback” of a UITable in App Designer. This callback is triggered whenever the value of an...
1 month ago | 0
Curve fitting with compiler.build.standaloneApplication
Hi @Marius To verify if the "Curve Fitting Toolbox" is installed and recognized by MATLAB, enter the "ver" command in the MATLA...
1 month ago | 0
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How to generate a .iq file from i q data in matlab?
Hi @Eric To generate a “.iq” file in binary format from IQ data in MATLAB, you need to follow these steps: Prepare Your IQ Da...
1 month ago | 0
How to evaluate the performance by ANN
Hi @neha gautam MATLAB includes various tools and functions for assessing the performance of neural networks, such as calculati...
1 month ago | 0
convert time domain data to frequency domain
Hi @Adib Muhammad Begin by creating a complete time series with your data, ensuring any missing hours are filled in. You can us...
1 month ago | 0
What is diffrence between MATLAB simulation and REAL TIME simulation?
Hi @PRITAM KUMAR NIRALA The main distinction between MATLAB simulation and real-time simulation on platforms such as OPAL-RT is...
1 month ago | 0
Neural Networks in a loop with a condition
Hi @Mahmoud Zemzami To accomplish this, you should establish a loop that keeps training your neural network until the discrepan...
1 month ago | 0
text alignment in plots ignores margin
Hi @Ralf Hielscher, You can manually set the margin between the marker and text using the “set” function. Kindly refer to the...
2 months ago | 0
5 samples and 4 features, how to do direct linear discriminant analysisusing MATLAB package algorithm
Hi @Dayun While“fitcdiscr” function is designed for classical LDA, you can use it with regularization to address small sample s...
2 months ago | 0
Simulink R2020b DataStore Memory and String support. Cannot use a string as an Inital Value
Hi @PLR, To resolve the error, one workaround is to use the “Initialize Function” block to assign a string value to the “Data ...
2 months ago | 0
Equivalent Methods of Python __setitem__ and _getitem__ methods
Hi @Virginio, In MATLAB, you can replicate the functionality of Python's “__getitem__” and “__setitem__” methods by overloading...
2 months ago | 1
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Pass parameter from batch file to .m Matlab program
Hi @Tik Ho HUI In the provided code for the "batch.bat" file, the "param1" variable has not been created. To learn how to creat...
2 months ago | 0
muti input cnn in matalb how to do that and how to feed the data in the model?
Hello @Arka Roy You can utilise “connectLayers” function to build a cnn based deep learning model that accepts multiple inputs....
2 months ago | 0
to receive feedback in loop with out providing command- Newton Anderson camera.
Hi @Paramjit Yadav To achieve continuous monitoring of the “GetAcquisitionProgress” function and automatically update the value...
2 months ago | 0
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