
Andrew Schenk

Last seen: 4 months ago Active since 2015

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How to create Simscape component out of sub-components?
Chris, Yes, you can create a Simscape component which is just built from other Simscape components, this is called a composit...

7 years ago | 0

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How to resolve this problem with the simulation data inspector in R2017a?
A patch for this bug has been published. You can download it below: <> ...

7 years ago | 0

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simscapepower and other block connection error
You cannot directly interface Simscape Power Systems Specialized Technology blocks with Simscape blocks. Consider replacing the ...

8 years ago | 0

the graph is incomplete, although the simulation run completely how can i solve this problem?
The MATLAB function fillmissing can be used to replace NaN values with neighboring values: <

8 years ago | 0

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Needle Valve control: What is the physical port S meaning?
The port S represents the variable x in the equations listed on: <

8 years ago | 1

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Simscape model of latent heat storage in a PCM
It seems this block would be very similar to the Simscape thermal mass block. You can see the Simscape source for this block by ...

8 years ago | 0

Cant find "Open viewer after simulation check box in the Configuration Parameters dialog box"
The Simscape Results Explorer was added to Simscape in MATLAB R2014b. However, you can download the following explorer from the ...

8 years ago | 0

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Problem with custom simscape heat exchanger model
You will need to add four variables and corresponding branch statements for the energy flow rate, Phi at each node. The branch s...

8 years ago | 3

Across and Through Variable determination for a basic algebraic system
In your diagram and generic component equations section above two ports, A and B, are used but the nodes section only defines A....

9 years ago | 1

Viewing water temperatures in SimScape
Barry, You will want to use the Pressure and Temperature sensor: <

9 years ago | 0

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Update the variables in ODE routines?
The purpose of the ODE solver is to solve for the values of Y given a MATLAB function which provides values of dY. If you want t...

9 years ago | 0

Trouble using the 3-D point cloud registration and stitching example
You can run the the 3-D point cloud and registration example by typing the following in the MATLAB Command Window: >> edit S...

9 years ago | 1

Recommended method for importing data in bus object format into a Rapid Accelerator simulation.
A From File block supports reading a MAT file that is a struct of Timeseries as a bus array. Note that you will need to save the...

9 years ago | 0

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Should the blocks of transmitted bits be the same for repeated transmission at a specific SNR?
You should not need to seed the random number generator since the bit error rate should not depend on the underlying data. A com...

9 years ago | 0

How can I get the points of the Scope block while the simulation is running?
You can execute the following MATLAB Command to update the scope data variables in the Workspace while Simulink is running. Note...

9 years ago | 1

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Discrepancy with d2c function?
The following code does what you are describing and is able to exactly recover the original sys1. It is better to use the |tfdat...

9 years ago | 0

SPMD Loop Iteration Job Not Submitting on MATLAB Distributed Computing Server
Take a look at this UCL FAQ as it mentions the same final error message you are encountering: <

9 years ago | 0

The following documentation describes how to use different MPI builds: <

9 years ago | 0

Matlab multilevel array data removal based on value
The comment by Image Analyst is correct, every pixel location in an image must have some RGB value, so you cannot remove them pe...

9 years ago | 0

Worldmap plot with data
The code below will create a map axes, set the longitude limits to 0 to 360 and plot the coastlines on the map. Note that the Me...

9 years ago | 0

mex file: monitoring (continuously) variables defined in matlab functions
The best way of updating MATLAB variable values to an external library is to call the MEX function. It is not possible for the M...

9 years ago | 0

How to insert a delay in between system commands in matlab
To insert a delay between system commands, use the MATLAB |pause| command which will delay execution by |n| seconds as shown bel...

9 years ago | 0

Matrix representation in generated C code / asap2 file
All Simulink signals and parameters will be code generated as 1-D vectors. If all your variable names are consistent with the fo...

9 years ago | 1

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Set constant value in a constant block from gui to simulink (working with f28335 target)
To update Simulation workspace variables while External mode is running, add the following code to your GUI callback function: ...

9 years ago | 0

Is there a way to reconcile multiple rtwtypes.h files?
You can view the M file that is used to create the rtwtypes.h file by executing the following command >> edit([matlabroot '/...

9 years ago | 1

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can I use a compiled (.exe) file to generate my objective functions while running optimisation in MATLAB?
Optimization functions like fminunc simply need a MATLAB function of the form y = f(x) to operate on. To interface with your ext...

9 years ago | 0

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Is there an API to customize the new dashboard functionality?
This is currently not possible in MATLAB R2015a, but I work for MathWorks and will pass along this feature request to our develo...

9 years ago | 0

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Header file is not compiling
This is more of a limitation of normal C coding - if a header file is included, all of the contents of the header file must be d...

9 years ago | 0

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How to put a transfer Function into a SimScape Model?
The Simulink-PS Converter1 block located after the Transfer Function needs to supply the Ideal Translational Source with 1st and...

9 years ago | 0

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Reset Initial Conditions of level 1 S-function states
There are two ways to do this. You can either: # Add an extra input to the S-function and write a conditional statement to re...

9 years ago | 0

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