
Yiping Liu


Last seen: 3 years ago Active since 2019

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PRM used A* ?
mobileRobotPRM in RST finds path using A* with Euclidean distance.

3 years ago | 1

robot simulation collision detection
It looks like you still want a robot model but just want to stay away with the DH parameters. You can use rigidBodyTree without ...

3 years ago | 1

Specify the RRT goalState as a matrix rather than a vector?
Hi, Chen, Thank you for your interest in this feature. It looks like that you are looking for the support of goal region in the...

3 years ago | 0

Building a map from Lidar Data with SLAM
You can use the example linked below to see how get streamed lidar readings from Gazebo into MATLAB.

3 years ago | 1

Velocity Product Torque Notation
Juraj, If you compare the EOM with the detailed Lagrange formulation, you will find both notations are correct. If you use the...

3 years ago | 1

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Is there a way to create a Dubins path given a set of waypoints?
Please check the example in the doc page below

3 years ago | 0

Is there a bug in show function of Robotics System Toolbox of 2021a version?
So the plot from 20a (LEFT) is incorrect, and this bug has been fixed in 21a (the plot on the RIGHT shows the correct joint ax...

3 years ago | 0

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matrix determined by eul2rotm does not match a matrix calculated by euler angles using rotm2eul
When you feed in a rotation matrix to rotm2eul, if the matrix is not orthonormal, the rotm2eul will try to find the closest orth...

3 years ago | 0

When I change joint type to fixed, it still appears in the robot configuration with NaN value. Why does it happens?
Hi Valerio, So this turns out to be a bug in the replaceJoint method (some internal numbers are not updated correctly when you ...

3 years ago | 1

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Measuring internal forces in a rigidBodyTree
By "internal force", I think you mean the constrained forces experienced by the joints. The recursive Newton-Euler algorithm doe...

3 years ago | 1

How to set the center of mass of a prismatic joint?
The center of mass is a property on the rigidBody object and is not related to what type of joint this rigid body has.

3 years ago | 0

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Question regarding quaternion conventions; particularly with respect to point vs frame rotations
Your understanding seems to be correct. If the quaternion q reprsents a 3D rotation that rotates frame Local into frame Body, t...

3 years ago | 0

inverseDynamics function in Robotics System Toolbox gives wrong results for joint torque calculations for external force applied on the end effector of the robot
Hi, Hakan, Thanks for raising the questions about the external forces in rigidBodyTree inverse dynamics. The quick answer is ...

3 years ago | 1

Non-convex shape as a collisionBox for robot path planning
The CollisionMesh is designed to convert any unconvex mesh into its convex hull. The reason for that is the checkCollsion functi...

3 years ago | 1

How to solve inverse kinematic problem in real-time?
In 21a, RST introduced a new IK solver called analyticalInverseKinematics which allows you generate a closed-form IK function fo...

3 years ago | 1

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How Does InverseDynamics Calculate Torques if Velocity is 0?
As described in the doc page, jointTorq = inverseDynamics(robot,configuration) computes joint torques to hold the specified r...

3 years ago | 0

Using geometricJacobian and velocities
To your questions: NO. rigidBodyTree in Robotics System Toolbox is designed to be stateless. So there are no joint positions/ve...

3 years ago | 0

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Robotics toolbox - strange results when using inverse dynamics and robot created with DH
Hi, Francesco, I think this is related to an issue that is specific to robot specified through DH parameters. This issue has al...

3 years ago | 2

How to obtain end effector orientation angles respect to the global reference/fixed reference axes X0, Y0 and Z0?
In general, the intrinsic rotations Z−Y′−X'' by angles γ, β, α are equivalent to the extrinsic rotations X−Y−Z by angles α, β,...

3 years ago | 0

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How to alter the roofed-section in MATLAB example (Track a Car-Like Robot using Particle Filter) for particle filter??
The roofed area is defined in ExampleHelperCarBot helper function.

3 years ago | 0

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how to create a robot from DH parameters
Ali, the getTransform method is working correctly. But from the way you set the DH parameters, I assume you expect "theta offset...

3 years ago | 1

Change base body of rigid tree robot.
You can check out the solution provided in this post:

3 years ago | 0

Why the result of Robotic System Toolbox are different with RTB(Robotics Toolbox for MALTAB)?
Hi, Xiyong, Thanks for posting this question. What you described is indeed a bug in the internal code for computing dynamics qu...

3 years ago | 0

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Computing the Jacobian matrix of robot centroid.
Hi, Sheng, Thanks for posting this question. What you described is indeed a bug in the internal code for computing centroidal m...

3 years ago | 0

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How to use inverseKinematics to find configuration to 1) get robot link to pass through position X1 in space and also 2) have end effector position X2?
Sounds like you are trying to solve a multi-constraint IK problem. You should check out the generalizedInverseKinematics feature...

3 years ago | 0

change base of rigidBodyTree like in SerialLink
Currently there is not a user-facing way to modify the fixed tranform on the robot base - it's always assumed to be at the origi...

4 years ago | 1

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Can I do a kinematics redundancy by using inverse kinematics?
You sould not use orientationTarget for link1. Try something like below (You only need pose and joint constraints) lbr = impor...

4 years ago | 0

Simulation pick and place operation on 3 dof robotic arm in matlab environment.
Here are a variety of related examples you can refer to: Manipulator Motion Planning Manipulator Trajectory Generation and Fol...

4 years ago | 0

output D-H parameters in Rigid body tree
If you import your rigidBodyTree from URDF, in general it cannot be converted to the standard DH representation without alternat...

4 years ago | 0

Is it possible to call a rigidBodyTree robot model in a Matlab function in Simulink?
Lorenzo, the persistent variable is the correct way. You should also check out the rigid body tree algorithm Simulink blocks i...

4 years ago | 0

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