Tuning PID controller non-linear equation
I am able to get a much better response than you have in the attached model. When you launch PID Tuner, just increase the speed ...

8 years ago | 0

how to get bode plot and transfer function from my simulink block?
See < he...

8 years ago | 0

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My system consist of set of equations. How to implement PID controller for my system ?
In a simple case of a mass spring damper mx''+cx'+kx=F convert system equations to a transfer function m=1;c=1;k=1; %re...

8 years ago | 0

how to get bode plot and transfer function from my simulink block?
Can you attach the actual model? My guess is that you are running into problems here because your model includes three-phase ma...

8 years ago | 0

pidTuner feature "DesignFocus" not available
Yes, this functionality was introduced in 15a, you can read the release notes <

8 years ago | 1

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PID Controller Design for a DC Motor
This file shows PID Controller tuning in MATLAB and Simullink for DC Motor control.

8 years ago | 167 downloads |



PID Controller Design and Tuning with MATLAB and Simulink - Fourbar Linkage
This demo file shows new capabilities for PID Controller design and tuning in MATLAB and Simullink.

8 years ago | 3 downloads |


PID Tuning tools not supported for plant models of type 'tf'
Your code runs fine when I try it. Could it be you have some 3rd party toolbpx installed which also has pidtune function? Wha...

8 years ago | 0

open_system('scdspeedctrl') How can I get the state space equations for this system?
Big numbers don't mean there is a problem. There is nothing really wrong with what you are doing. To linearize the plant model y...

8 years ago | 0

how to design a MPC controller for a plant with discontinuities like a switching electric circuit in simulink?
If you already created a linear model when tuning a PID controller you can definitely reuse this model for designing an MPC cont...

8 years ago | 0

PID Linearization Error - Does not Linearize, says contains 1 Algebraic Loop
I am guessing you trying to tune a PID Controller using "tune" button and getting an error. PID Tuner works by approximating a n...

8 years ago | 0

sisotool loopshaping programmatic tuning from MATLAB command line
Control System Designer relies on commands from Robust Control Toolbox documented <

8 years ago | 0

PID tuner doesn't launch
This sounds like a possible case of corrupt installation. Can you please contact technical support, they will be able to help if...

8 years ago | 0

how to do curve fitting in bodeplot ?
You can use < Model Reducer app> for t...

8 years ago | 0

bode diagram of a tansfert function in Simulink
Take a look at this video, <

8 years ago | 0

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negative P gain for PID
Why are you worried that your controller would not be physically realizable? Negative Kp does not mean controller is unstable.

8 years ago | 1

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fuzzy logic vs PID simulink
Perhaps < this...

8 years ago | 0

Implementation of PID Pole Placement
So which one are you trying to do: tune a PID controller or design a controller using pole placement. Pole placement is done on ...

8 years ago | 0

Matlab seem to forget the Control Systems Toolbox after restart
It seems like a problem with the path, not sure why it is happening. You can try explicitly adding the folder where Control Sys...

9 years ago | 0

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PID controller, transfer function
Something like this would do:(note that this requires Control System Toolbox). P=pid(1) PI=pid(1,1) PD=pid(1,0,1) ...

9 years ago | 1

Trying to stabilise a SISO feedback loop with a Cascade PID controller - but it's not working!
First off, looks like you have a typo in your Cq. As Pq already has integrating action, you don't really need an integrator in C...

9 years ago | 0

In PID tuning using control system tuner why am i getting waveform like this? Why there is no S and T and why in speed response plot its showing zero in actual?
Control System Tuner works by linearizing a Simulink model and then trying to design a controller for the linearized model. You ...

9 years ago | 0

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how to get the control signal from the pid controller?
sys=C/(1+C*TF); step(sys)

9 years ago | 0

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I have DC motor I went apply PID Position Controller for 45 angle

9 years ago | 0

Blocks not recognized when linearizing in Simulink
The blocks that are not highlighted are not on linearization path. All it means is that graphically the input linearization poin...

9 years ago | 1

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This is a bug in the documentation. is for representing SISO PIDs only. The bug will be fixed in the future release...

9 years ago | 0

whether matlab function block and trigger block can be linearized?
Hi, Triggered subsystems are discontinuous and would typically not linearize.For cases when exact linearization does not work, ...

9 years ago | 1

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on which method pidtool command selects parameters of PID?
Please see < here>

9 years ago | 0

Why the build-in step function and the user defined m-file generate different results
The difference is due to how the derivative term is handled in the simulation. When you use ode45 (the first approach in the que...

9 years ago | 1

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