Video length is 4:05

Challenges in Model-Based Development (Highlights)

Marco Kunze, Continental Automotive

Autonomous driving, electrification, car-to-car and end-to-end communications as well as smart assistant systems are only some of the focus topics of new and current products in the automotive industry. All these products show a clear trend: They are no longer systems of one single domain but become more and more "systems of systems". In order to cope with the increasing complexity, different methods and technologies for model-based system engineering are available on the market. Furthermore, these new products include a steadily growing part of software components as their essential elements. These software components are integrated and implemented in a changing hardware architecture which needs high optimization of code and resource assignment. For this optimization, Model-Based Design, including automatic code generation, is already well established throughout the automotive industry in the areas of software design and software implementation. Nevertheless, topics like “time to market” and automation in general are still challenging existing processes and methods. That’s why, in the software industry, agile methods have gathered huge attention. Additionally, the increasing complexity and tighter integration of future product needs also require paying strong attention to safety and security aspects, and with this, existing and upcoming standards and regulations.

In this talk, you will hear about the results reached at Continental Automotive Division Powertrain throughout the last 15 years with their tool environment for Model-Based Design. In the second part of the talk, Marco Kunze will show how the company intends to close the gap between Model-Based system engineering and Model-Based Design using a seamless tool chain for Model-Based development. Providing full traceability and fulfilling safety standards are base requirements for the tool chain as well as support of agile development methods not only for software construction, but also at the early stage of requirement engineering and system architectural design.

Recorded: 17 Apr 2018