Design and Verify RF Transceivers for Wireless Communication Systems - MATLAB
Video length is 54:36

Design and Verify RF Transceivers for Wireless Communication Systems

In this webinar, you will learn how to design and simulate a wireless transceiver using MATLAB® and Simulink® products.  Several aspects of modeling and simulating wireless communications systems are covered, including:

• Waveform and test bench creation using Communications Toolbox™ and DSP System Toolbox™
• Modeling of 1/f noise, PLL phase noise, and other noise impairments using MATLAB and Simulink
• Fast system simulation of wireless transceivers to determine SNR requirements of RF and analog subsystems using RF Blockset
• Fast equivalent baseband simulation to assign gross noise specifications to the RF and analog subsystems
• Detailed circuit envelope simulations of wireless transceivers in the presence of interference to determine RF and analog component specifications, including IP2, IP3, noise figure, and gain

About the Presenter: Dr. Giorgia Zucchelli is the product marketing manager for RF and mixed-signal at MathWorks. Before joining MathWorks in 2009 as an application engineer focusing on signal processing and communications systems with specialization in analog simulation, Giorgia worked for two years at NXP Semiconductors on mixed-signal verification methodologies. Before then, she worked for Philips Research, where she contributed to the development of system-level models for innovative telecommunication systems. Giorgia has a master’s degree in electronic engineering and a doctorate in electronic engineering for telecommunications from the University of Bologna. Her thesis dealt with modeling high-frequency RF devices.

Recorded: 23 Jul 2013

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