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Reconstruct 3-D radiation pattern of antenna or array from two orthogonal pattern slices using artificial intelligence (AI) based methods

Since R2024a



    To use the patternFromAI function, you need a license for the Deep Learning Toolbox™ in addition to the Antenna Toolbox™.

    patternFromAI(magVertSlice, angleVertSlice, magHorizSlice, angleHorizSlice) plots the approximate 3-D radiation pattern reconstructed from the magnitude and angle data of input orthogonal slices vertslice and horizSlice.


    [p3D, vertAngleOut, horizAngleOut] = patternFromAI(___) returns the reconstructed pattern as a matrix along with the vectors of the horizontal and vertical angle values in degrees. For the matrix p3D, the number of rows/columns correspond to the number of elements of vertAngleOut / horizAngleOut.

    [___] = patternFromAI(___,Name=Value) provides a way to specify customization and tuning options, such as the angle convention, additional minimum and maximum magnitudes for slice normalization, and pattern plot options using one or more Name-Value Arguments.


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    This example shows how to reconstruct the 3-D radiation pattern of a dipole antenna operating at 70MHz from its two orthogonal slices.

    Get 2-D Pattern Data of Dipole Antenna

    Define the azimuth and elevation angle ranges. Get the azimuth pattern data at 0 elevation. Visualize the azimuth pattern.

    az = 0:359;
    el = -180:179;
    pA = patternAzimuth(dipole,70e6,0,Azimuth=az);

    Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uicontainer. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text. This object represents el=0° .

    Get the elevation pattern data at 0 azimuth. Visualize the elevation pattern.

    pE = patternElevation(dipole,70e6,0,Elevation=el);

    Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uicontainer. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text. This object represents az=0° .

    Reconstruct 3-D Radiation Pattern of Dipole Antenna

    Use patternFromAI function to reconstruct the 3-D radiation pattern. Visualize the 3-D pattern.

    theta = 90-el;
    phi = az;
    [p3D, vertAngleOut, horizAngleOut] = patternFromAI(pE,theta,pA,phi);

    Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 16 objects of type surface, line, text, patch.

    This example shows how to import 2-D pattern data from a .pln file and reconstruct the 3-D radiation pattern from it.

    Import 2-D Pattern Data

    Use the msiread function to read a .pln file and import its contents to the workspace. Extract the magnitude and angles data form the workspace variables.

    [Horizontal,Vertical] = msiread('Test_file_demo.pln');
    pE = Vertical.Magnitude;
    el = Vertical.Elevation;
    pA = Horizontal.Magnitude;
    az = Horizontal.Azimuth;

    Plot the elevation cut.

    polarpattern(Vertical.Elevation,Vertical.Magnitude,TitleTop="Elevation Cut")

    Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text.

    Plot the azimuth cut.

    polarpattern(Horizontal.Azimuth,Horizontal.Magnitude,TitleTop="Azimuthal Cut")

    Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text.

    Reconstruct 3-D Pattern

    Use the "az-el" angle convention to reconstruct the 3-D pattern from imported 2-D pattern magnitude and angle data.


    Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 16 objects of type surface, line, text, patch.

    Input Arguments

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    2-D pattern slice magnitude data along vertical/elevation plane in dBi, specified as a real-valued vector of either 360 or 361 elements, sampled at 1 degree resolution.

    Example: [10.55 10.25 10 ... -2]

    Data Types: double

    Vertical/elevation slice angles in degrees, specified as a real-valued integer vector of either 360 or 361 elements, at 1 degree spacing.

    Example: 0:360

    Data Types: double

    2-D pattern slice magnitude data along horizontal/azimuth plane in dBi, specified as a real-valued vector of either 360 or 361 elements, sampled at 1 degree resolution.

    Example: [10.55 10.25 10 ... -2]

    Data Types: double

    Horizontal/azimuth slice angles in degrees, specified as a real-valued integer vector of either 360 or 361 elements, at 1 degree spacing.

    Example: 0:360

    Data Types: double

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: AngleConvention="az-el"

    Angle convention used in the input angles vertAngle and horizAngle for reconstruction, specified as either "phi-theta" or "az-el". The default angle convention is "phi-theta". For more information on angle conventions, see Antenna Toolbox Coordinate System.

    Example: "az-el"

    Data Types: string

    Magnitudes to normalize the slice data prior to network inference, specified as a 2-element vector with its first element as the minimum magnitude and second element as the maximum magnitude. By default, patternFromAI uses the minimum and maximum values in the slices. To specify only one element, assign the other as -Inf or Inf respectively.


    If the minimum and/or maximum directivity values of the pattern are known but are absent from the input slice data, specify either one or both in the MinMaxMagnitude argument to increase the accuracy of the pattern reconstruction.

    Example: [10 50]

    Data Types: double

    Plot visualization options, specified as a PatternPlotOptions object. Only the Transparency and MagnitudeScale properties of PatternPlotOPtions can be changed. The other two properties SizeRatio and AntennaOffset are ignored.

    Example: PatternPlotOptions(Transparency=0.6, MagnitudeScale=[1 10])

    Output Arguments

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    3-D pattern magnitude data in dBi, returned as a 361-by-181 real matrix.

    Data Types: double

    Elevation angles in degrees, returned as a 181-by-1 real integer vector.

    Data Types: double

    Azimuth angles in degrees, returned as a 361-by-1 real integer vector.

    Data Types: double

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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