Main Content
The shape.Sphere
lets you create a sphere with metal and
dielectric material properties centered at the origin. Use this sphere along with the other
shapes and the geometric operations to create a shape for the custom antenna.
creates a sphere
centered at the origin.sph
= shape.Sphere
additional Properties using one or more
name-value arguments. sph
= shape.Sphere(Name=Value)Name
is the property name and
is the corresponding value. You can specify several
name-value arguments in any order as Name1=Value1
, NameN=ValueN
. Properties that you do not
specify retain their default values.
Object Functions
add | Boolean unite operation on two shapes |
subtract | Boolean subtraction operation on two shapes |
intersect | Intersection of shape1 and shape2 |
plus | Join two shapes |
minus | Carve a shape from other shape |
and | Boolean intersection operation on two shapes |
show | Display antenna, array structures, shapes, or platform |
mesh | Mesh properties of metal, dielectric antenna, or array structure |
rotate | Rotate shape about axis by angle |
rotateX | Rotate shape about x-axis by angle |
rotateY | Rotate shape about y-axis by angle |
rotateZ | Rotate shape about z-axis by angle |
translate | Move shape to new location |
scale | Change size of shape by fixed factor |
imprintShape | Imprint 2-D shape on another shape |
createHole | Create a 2-D hole on custom shape |
extrude | Extrude 2-D shape on another shape |
removeFaces | Interactively select and remove 3-D shape faces |
addSubstrate | Add dielectric substrate to metal shape |
Version History
Introduced in R2023b