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Set Up Your Control System for Tuning with looptune

Set Up Your Control System for looptunein MATLAB

To set up your control system in MATLAB® for tuning with looptune:

  1. Parameterize the tunable elements of your controller. You can use predefined structures such as tunablePID, tunableGain, and tunableTF. Or, you can create your own structure from elementary tunable parameters (realp).

  2. Use model interconnection commands such as series and connect to build a tunable genss model representing the controller C0.

  3. Create a Numeric LTI model representing the plant G. For co-tuning the plant and controller, represent the plant as a tunable genss model.

Set Up Your Control System for looptune in Simulink

To set up your control system in Simulink® for tuning with systune (Simulink Control Design) (requires Simulink Control Design™ software):

  1. Use slTuner (Simulink Control Design) to create an interface to the Simulink model of your control system. When you create the interface, you specify which blocks to tune in your model.

  2. Use addPoint (Simulink Control Design) to specify the control and measurement signals that define the boundaries between plant and controller. Use addOpening (Simulink Control Design) to mark optional loop-opening or signal injection sites for specifying and assessing open-loop requirements.

The slTuner interface automatically linearizes your Simulink model. The slTuner interface also automatically parametrizes the blocks that you specify as tunable blocks. For more information about this linearization, see the slTuner (Simulink Control Design) reference page and How Tuned Simulink Blocks Are Parameterized.

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