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Group lane boundaries in lane boundary segment objects

Since R2024a


The laneBoundaryGroup object connects lane boundary segments and stores them as lane boundary groups.



lbgroup = laneBoundaryGroup(lbsegments) creates a laneBoundaryGroup object lbgroup that contains lane boundary groups consisting of connected lane boundary segments from the input laneBoundarySegment objects lbsegments. The lbsegments argument sets the BoundarySegments property.


lbgroup = laneBoundaryGroup(lbsegments,Name=Value) sets properties or specifies additional options using one or more name-value arguments. For example, AlignAllBoundaryPoints=true aligns all the lane boundary points from the input lane boundary segments laterally across the road.


This object requires the Scenario Builder for Automated Driving Toolbox™ support package. You can install the Scenario Builder for Automated Driving Toolbox support package from the Add-On Explorer. For more information about installing add-ons, see Get and Manage Add-Ons.


Input Arguments

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Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: laneBoundaryGroup(lbsegments,AlignAllBoundaryPoints=true) aligns all the lane boundary points from the input lane boundary segments lbsegments.

Boundary connection type, specified as "boundaryID", "nearestBoundary", or "custom".

  • "boundaryID" — Connects lane boundaries from multiple laneBoundarySegment objects that have the same lane boundary IDs to create lane groups.

  • "nearestBoundary" — Connects lane boundaries in one laneBoundarySegment object with their nearest lane boundaries in another laneBoundarySegment object to create lane groups.

  • "custom" — Create custom boundary connections by specifying the SegmentConnections property.

Data Types: string

Align lane boundary points status, specified as a logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

If you specify true, the object aligns the lane boundary points laterally across the road for all lanes in the lane boundary segments.

Data Types: logical


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This property is read-only.

Lane boundary segments, specified as an N-by-1 array of laneBoundarySegment objects. N is the number of lane boundary segments.


When setting the SegmentConnections property, you must specify lane boundary segment pairs using their indices from the lbsegments argument.

This property is read-only.

Lane boundary connections between the lane segments, specified as a P-by-2 cell array. P is the number of lane boundary segment pairs.

For each row of the cell array, the first cell contains a two-element row vector of the form [a b] , where a and b are indices of laneBoundarySegment objects in the input lane boundary segments array lbsegments. For example, [1 2] specifies that the lane boundary segment with index 1 connects to the lane boundary segment with index 2.

The second cell of each row contains a Q-by-2 string array of lane boundary IDs. Q is the number of lane boundary connections for the corresponding pair of lane boundary segments. Each row specifies a lane boundary connection of the form [c d], where c is the lane boundary ID in lane boundary segment a that connects to lane boundary ID d in lane boundary segment b.

segmentPairIndices = [1 2];
boundaryConnections = ["3","4"; "5","6"; "7","8"];
connection = {segmentPairIndices boundaryConnections};
lbgroup = laneBoundaryGroup(lbsegments,ConnectBoundariesBy="custom",SegmentConnections=connection);
In this example, the first column of the connection cell array contains a pair of lane boundary segment indices [1 2]. The segment indices correspond to the indices in the input lane boundary segments array lbsegments. The second column of the connection cell array contains a 3-by-2 string array of lane boundary IDs. The laneBoundaryGroup object connects these lane boundaries:

  • The lane boundary with ID 3 of the lane boundary segment with index 1 connects to the lane boundary with ID 4 of the lane boundary segment with index 2.

  • The lane boundary with ID 5 of the lane boundary segment with index 1 connects to the lane boundary with ID 6 of the lane boundary segment with index 2.

  • The lane boundary with ID 7 of the lane boundary segment with index 1 connects to the lane boundary with ID 8 of the lane boundary segment with index 2.


The SegmentConnections property applies only when you specify ConnectBoundariesBy name-value argument as "custom".

Data Types: cell

This property is read-only.

Lane boundary group information, specified as a 1-by-M structure array. M is the number of lane boundary groups, and each element of the structure contains information about the corresponding lane boundary group. The structure contains these fields:

  • BoundaryIDs — Lane boundary IDs, specified as a 2-by-1 string array or a string scalar.

  • SegmentIndices — Lane boundary segment indices, specified as a two-element column vector or a positive numeric scalar.

  • BoundaryPoints — Lane boundary points, specified as a 2-by-1 cell array or a 1-by-1 cell. Boundary points are relative to the lane boundary identifiers in BoundaryIDs and SegmentIndices.

    Each cell contains a P-by-2 or P-by-3 matrix. P is the number of lane boundary points, and it must be greater than 1.

    • For a P-by-2 matrix, each row contains the xy-coordinates of a lane boundary point. The z-coordinate of each lane boundary point is 0.

    • For a P-by-3 matrix, each row contains the xyz-coordinates of a lane boundary point.

Data Types: struct

Geographic coordinates of the lane boundary origin, specified as a three-element numeric row vector of the form [lat lon alt], where:

  • lat is the latitude of the coordinate, in degrees.

  • lon is the longitude of the coordinate, in degrees.

  • alt is the altitude of the coordinate, in meters.

These values must be with respect to the WGS84 reference ellipsoid, which is a standard ellipsoid used by GPS data.

Data Types: single | double

Object Functions

plotPlot lane boundary points
updateSegmentConnectionsUpdate lane boundary segment connections
smoothBoundariesSmooth lane boundaries


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Load lane boundary data into the workspace.

data = load("laneBoundaryGroupData.mat","lbSegments");

Display the loaded lane boundary segment objects.

segments = data.lbSegments

Create a lane boundary group object from lane boundary segments.

lbGroup = laneBoundaryGroup(segments)
lbGroup = 
  laneBoundaryGroup with properties:

      BoundarySegments: [2×1 laneBoundarySegment]
    SegmentConnections: {[1 2]  [4×2 string]}
        BoundaryGroups: [1×5 struct]
          GeoReference: []

Load lane boundary data into the workspace.

data = load("laneBoundaryGroupData.mat","lbSegments");

Display the loaded lane boundary segment object.

segments = data.lbSegments

Plot the loaded lane boundary segment objects.



Create a lane boundary group object from the lane boundary segments.

lbGroup = laneBoundaryGroup(segments)
lbGroup = 
  laneBoundaryGroup with properties:

      BoundarySegments: [2×1 laneBoundarySegment]
    SegmentConnections: {[1 2]  [4×2 string]}
        BoundaryGroups: [1×5 struct]
          GeoReference: []

Plot the lane boundary group object.


Create another lane boundary group object that aligns all the lane boundaries.

lbGroupAligned = laneBoundaryGroup(segments,AlignAllBoundaryPoints=true);

Plot the aligned lane boundary group object.


Load lane boundary data into the workspace.

data = load("laneBoundaryGroupData.mat","lbSegments");

Display the loaded lane boundary segment objects.

segments = data.lbSegments

The loaded lane boundary segment data contains two segments, with indices 1 and 2. Specify the connections between these two segments.

segmentPairIndices = [1 2];
boundaryConnections = ["2","2"; "1","1"; "3","3"];
connection = {segmentPairIndices boundaryConnections};

Create a lane boundary group object that uses your specified custom connections.

lbGroup = laneBoundaryGroup(segments,ConnectBoundariesBy="custom",SegmentConnections=connection)
lbGroup = 
  laneBoundaryGroup with properties:

      BoundarySegments: [2×1 laneBoundarySegment]
    SegmentConnections: {[1 2]  [3×2 string]}
        BoundaryGroups: [1×6 struct]
          GeoReference: []

Plot the lane boundaries from the created lane boundary group object.



Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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