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State transition function for constant-velocity motion model in MSC frame


predictedState = constvelmsc(state,vNoise) returns the predicted state, obtained from the current state, state, and target acceleration noise, vNoise, based on the constant-velocity motion model. The function assumes a default time interval, dt, of one second, and zero observer acceleration in all dimensions.

predictedState = constvelmsc(state,vNoise,dt) specifies the time interval, dt. The function assumes zero observer acceleration in all dimensions.


predictedState = constvelmsc(state,vNoise,dt,u) specifies the observer input, u, during the time interval, dt.



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Define a state vector for a 3-D MSC state.

mscState = [0.1;0.01;0.1;0.01;0.001;1];
dt = 0.1;

Predict the state with zero observer acceleration.

mscState = constvelmsc(mscState,zeros(3,1),dt)
mscState = 6×1


Predict the state with [5;3;1] observer acceleration in scenario.

mscState = constvelmsc(mscState,zeros(3,1),dt,[5;3;1])
mscState = 6×1


Predict the state with observer maneuver and unit standard deviation random noise in target acceleration. Let observer acceleration in the time interval be [sin(t)cos(t)].

velManeuver = [1 - cos(dt);sin(dt);0];
posManeuver = [-sin(dt);cos(dt) - 1;0];
u = zeros(6,1);
u(1:2:end) = posManeuver;
u(2:2:end) = velManeuver;
mscState = constvelmsc(mscState,randn(3,1),dt,u)
mscState = 6×1


Define a state vector for a motion model in 2-D. The time interval is 2 seconds.

mscState = [0.5;0.02;1/1000;-10/1000];
dt = 2; 

As modified spherical coordinates (MSC) state is relative, let the observer state be defined by a constant acceleration model in 2-D.

observerState = [100;10;0.5;20;-5;0.1];

Pre-allocate memory. rPlot is the range for plotting bearing measurements.

observerPositions = zeros(2,10);
targetPositions = zeros(2,10);
azimuthMeasurement = zeros(1,10);
bearingHistory = zeros(2,30);
rPlot = 2000;

Use a loop to predict the state multiple times. Use constvelmsc to create a trajectory with constant velocity target and measure the angles using the measurement function, cvmeasmsc.

for i = 1:10
    obsAcceleration = observerState(3:3:end);
    % Use zeros(2,1) as process noise to get true predictions
    mscState = constvelmsc(mscState,zeros(2,1),dt,obsAcceleration);
    % Update observer state using constant acceleration model
    observerState = constacc(observerState,dt);
    observerPositions(:,i) = observerState(1:3:end);
    % Update bearing history with current measurement.
    az = cvmeasmsc(mscState);
    bearingHistory(:,3*i-2) = observerState(1:3:end);
    bearingHistory(:,3*i-1) = observerState(1:3:end) + [rPlot*cosd(az);rPlot*sind(az)];
    bearingHistory(:,3*i) = [NaN;NaN];
    % Use the 'rectangular' frame to get relative positions of the
    % target using cvmeasmsc function.
    relativePosition = cvmeasmsc(mscState,'rectangular');
    relativePosition2D = relativePosition(1:2);
    targetPositions(:,i) = relativePosition2D + observerPositions(:,i);
plot(observerPositions(1,:),observerPositions(2,:)); hold on;
title('Constant velocity model in modified spherical coordinates');xlabel('X[m]'); ylabel('Y[m]')
legend('Observer Positions', 'Target Positions', 'Bearings Measurements'); hold off;

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Constant velocity model in modified spherical coordinates, xlabel X[m], ylabel Y[m] contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent Observer Positions, Target Positions, Bearings Measurements.

Input Arguments

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State that is defined relative to an observer in modified spherical coordinates, specified as a vector or a 2-D matrix. For example, if there is a constant velocity target state, xT, and a constant velocity observer state, xO, then the state is defined as xT - xO transformed in modified spherical coordinates.

The two-dimensional version of modified spherical coordinates (MSC) is also referred to as the modified polar coordinates (MPC). In the case of:

  • 2-D space –– State is equal to [az azRate 1/r vr/r]

  • 3-D space –– State is equal to [az omega el elRate 1/r vr/r]

If specified as a matrix, states must be concatenated along columns, where each column represents a state following the convention specified above.

The variables used in the convention are:

  • az –– Azimuth angle (rad)

  • el –– Elevation angle (rad)

  • azRate –– Azimuth rate (rad/s)

  • elRate –– Elevation rate (rad/s)

  • omega –– azRate × cos(el) (rad/s)

  • 1/r –– 1/range (1/m)

  • vr/r –– range-rate/range or inverse time-to-go (1/s)

Data Types: single | double

Target acceleration noise in the scenario, specified as a vector of 2 or 3 elements or a matrix with dimensions corresponding to state. That is, if the dimensions of the state matrix is 6-by-10, then the acceptable dimensions for vNoise is 3-by-10. If the dimensions of the state matrix is 4-by-10, then the acceptable dimensions for vNoise is 2-by-10. For more details, see Orientation, Position, and Coordinate Convention.

Data Types: double

Time step interval, specified as a positive scalar. Time units are in seconds.

Example: 0.5

Data Types: single | double

Observer input, specified as a vector. The observer input can have the following impact on state-prediction based on its dimensions:

  • When the number of elements in u equals the number of elements in state, the input u is assumed to be the maneuver performed by the observer during the time interval, dt. A maneuver is defined as motion of the observer higher than first order (or constant velocity).

  • When the number of elements in u equals half the number of elements in state, the input u is assumed to be constant acceleration of the observer, specified in the scenario frame during the time interval, dt.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Predicted state at the next time step, returned as a vector and a matrix of two or three dimensions. The state at the next time step is calculated based on the current state and the target acceleration noise, vNoise.

Data Types: double


The function provides a constant velocity transition function in modified spherical coordinates (MSC) using a non-additive noise structure. The MSC frame assumes a single observer and the state is defined relative to it.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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