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Organize large projects by managing and sharing files and settings, finding required files, and interacting with source control

Projects can help you organize your work and collaborate. Use projects to find files required to run your code, manage and share files and settings, and interact with source control. For more information about projects, see Create Projects and watch Using Projects to Collaborate, Track, and Merge Changes and Perform Code Reviews (4 min, 50 sec).

Not all Projects functionalities are available in MATLAB® Online™.


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currentProjectGet current project
openProjectLoad an existing project
isLoadedDetermine if project is loaded
reloadReload project
closeClose project
exportExport project to archive
matlab.project.extractProjectExtract project from archive (Since R2022b)
matlab.project.createProjectCreate blank project
matlab.project.convertDefinitionFilesChange definition file type of project (Since R2020b)
matlab.project.deleteProjectStop folder management and delete project definition files
matlab.project.loadProjectLoad project
matlab.project.rootProjectGet root project
addFileAdd file or folder to project
addFolderIncludingChildFilesAdd folder and child files to project
removeFileRemove file or folder from project
addPathAdd folder to project path
removePathRemove folder from project path
addReferenceAdd referenced project to project
listAllProjectReferencesList all projects in reference hierarchy of current project (Since R2021a)
removeReferenceRemove project reference
addStartupFileAdd startup file to project
addShutdownFileAdd shutdown file to project
removeStartupFileRemove startup file from project startup list
removeShutdownFileRemove shutdown file from project shutdown list
addShortcutAdd shortcut to project
removeShortcutRemove shortcut from project
addLabelAttach label to project file
createLabelCreate project label
removeLabelRemove label from project
findLabelGet project file label
createCategoryCreate category of project labels
findCategoryFind project category of labels
removeCategoryRemove project category of labels
findFileFind single project file by name
findFilesFind project files by category or label name (Since R2024a)
listModifiedFilesList modified files in project
listRequiredFilesGet files required by specified project files
listImpactedFilesGet files impacted by changes to specified project files (Since R2021a)
listAllProjectReferencesList all projects in reference hierarchy of current project (Since R2021a)
refreshSourceControlUpdate source control status of project files
runChecksRun all project checks (Since R2020a)
updateDependenciesUpdate project dependencies
matlab.project.isUnderProjectRootDetermine whether file or folder is under project root folder (Since R2023a)
matlab.project.isFileInProjectDetermine whether file or folder belongs to project (Since R2023b)


Dependency AnalyzerVisualize dependencies, find required files, and assess the impact of changes (Since R2023a)


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